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or when there are no nerves.

being with the choirs doesn't terrify me. i get minimal anxiety standing on the stage with them because i know that we've got this and that if i fail, my friends will help me back up.

as i meandered around after the concert, feeling hopeless in that i hadn't a clue where my ride was nor my friends who'd said they would come were.

suddenly, as i walk between the pews of the church, i'm shocked by an excited person who's up in my face, nearby and loud and red-shirt-wearing.

"YOU GUYS DID AMAZING!" he raved as he embraced me and one of friends whom i knew only by name. this was not fake pride by any standards.

until i had to leave, we talked on and off (he had many other friends to tend to), but the entire time he was bright-eyed and hugging me o'er and o'er.

i had to keep reminding myself to not let my hopes run rampant and free. his laughter and smiles were infectious nonetheless.


there are many other stories from yesterday, from laughing uncomfortably at a friend reading fifty shades aloud during psychology to stressing about putting a video project up on youtube. it was a bad day, it was a good day, it was a long day. now, to the psat.

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