What next

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The sight before me drew a stake of hot pain through my bleeding dying heart. I quietly turned and walked back into the first where my rage wiped out hundreds of trees out of existance.Raging tornadoes Tsunamies and hurricanes flew across the camps forest until none stood  unharmed against my wrath. I was so heart broken that I didn't notice myself wandering out of camp borders until I came across an unfamiliar sight- I saw a beautifully reflective group of tents in molten silver color grouped together like a formation of birds migrating south to escape the cold except these were no birds they were the huntresses of Artemis the goddess of the moon. I decided to ask them to kill me as if they did it would be one less male in the world to 'hurt' women. I walked slowly down the small hill into the campsite a dozen arrows flew at me in blinding speed and pinned me to the tree. From behind an old tree stump emerged a group of warrior girls- the hunters of Artemis. I raised my hands as a sign for peace as the lead hunter signaled for them to place their bows down as anyway I could not move without severely injuring a previous part of my anatomy. "What hath you want boy " asked the lead huntress she seemed persiAn with slightly olive skin dark eyes and an upturned nose. It would be interesting to meet her before they killed me." It's me percy I come in peace but may I speak to your leader miss ..." "Nightshade my name is Zoe nightshade and you may speak with our mistress only if we know for sure that you are completely trustworthy as a maiden's trust can not be won easily but the easiest and least painful way way to meet our great mistress is to go through a series of tests we call the preparation exam of huntresses. Boy prove yourself then if you succeed with the test by fighting all of us huntresses at the same time and then( smirking) with the mistress.said Zoe. " huntresses I accept your challenge but before we begin may say one thing?" " pray tell boy before we grow old and shall pass into hades's realm" " i wish to..." 

End if percy pov

Again I don't own the charecters but I so own the plot do enjoy!!!!!

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