Tracking My Prey(or flower)

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Persia seemed to be mostly a combination of beutiful gardens, mountains, deserts and plateaus. But this was not a ime for going sightseeing. I had to finish ths hunt and prove myself to the hunters and Lady Artemis. What was the mountain she said?, I thought to myself... Oh yeah, it was Picos Peak from the Zaros mountains. I decided to ask the local people if they knew where it was. If I knew where in the country th muntain was then I could easly track down the peak and the garden in which the floer is held in. The strange thing though, was that whenever I asked any of the usually friendly villagers and merchants where the mountain was, they clammed up and didntsay a word until they rushed off claiming a 'forgotton' chore at home. It now seemed as i this mission would not be as simple as I originally thought. One day though, I found a slightly odd but jovial merchant who then informed me about the legend of Pecos peak; the story He told me went like this:

                                                                     Pecos Peak Legend

Once upon a time there lived an old man who had two sons. He loved both his sons dearly but his youngest son was very adventurous and reckless and also hated his lfe being calm. He craved action. Of course, the place where he lived was in the shadow of a reat big mountain. The local villagers were afraid of this mountain beause it towered over them and sometimes when rocks rolled down from the top, they thought that the mountain was crying. And so eventually every geographic disturbance that happened to this village was blamed on this mountain which became seen as a large fiendish monster that devured children and had uncontrollable angerif provoked. But this mountain also held promise as the legend said that one flower from its peak can cure any illnes, evn death. This young son of the old man found this legend particularly interesting and thought that maybe he could vanquish this monster. Thus saying so, he hiked ino the monsters and never came back again...but every year on the one night that he left for the mountain, the villagers hear mysterous and mournful howling and speculate that the young man's spiit had been absorbed by the evil demon. But there is more, every single climer that decided to challenge the might of the mountain and hiked up it was never seen again and that was the reason why the villaers were so wary of the mountain. This mountain is now called Pecos peak,and is named after the young man.

Thus the story teller fnished his tale and promly passed out from all th alohol he had been consuming.

Percy shut the store's door behnd him and walked out into the cool mountain air and began to think; Why would Artemis want a special flower from such a  dangerous expadition like this?How will I get past the mountain to get the flower? This 'demon' sounds like a sluiskin monster- the ancient reek monster of death, despair, and darkness. If this is truly the monster that is gaurding the flower, I must carefully plan but, I will never let Artemis and the hunters down! And so, Percy walked of into the center of the village where he was staying in his cabin to think and make his plans.

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