Plans and Schemes

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Artemis pov.

I, Artemis feels bad... I dont feel bad for a girl or some poor abused child or even some wildlife, I FEEL COMPASSON AND PITY AND GUILT FOR A SOME BOY!!!!!!!!! Well he's not just any boy, i mean he has saved the world multple times and even attempted to save me along with some campers and hunters-but stll he is a boy!!! I'm the anti-love goddess, the eternal maiden, meant to be alone with my hunters, guidng young girls to ndependence and freedom, these are my titles, I shouldn't feel any emotion towards some boy no matter how brave and strong he may be...

But the quest I've sent him on is no ordinary one, there are dangers in that mountain that could threaten even an immortal like me. But I wanted to test his bravery, and what better test for him to qualify to hunt with me and my hunters than one of danger and exctement.  I tell myself that is the reason why I sent him so far away to face dangers unknown for a simple yet powerful flower. My mind knows different, I send him away so I dont have to face him, dont have to pretend to be the cold hearted goddess that everyone expects me to be. I have feelings and no matter that they have been dormant for thousands of years...

It seems that I genuinly care about the fate of Percy Jackson and I must know call him that if he is meant to become a hunter but that doest mean that he gets in without proving himself and I will make it harder for him each step of the way- after all accosiating with the goddess of the hant isn't all that simple and will require lots of har work.

But util then I will maintain my cold hearted facade even thugh it pains me so to treat a friend like a foe or even worse someone you feel nothing for...

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2014 ⏰

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