Personalized Torture

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To make my experience at hunters camp extra 'fun' , the hunters brought phoebes who may I mention hates me to find out what my greatest fears and troubles were to make me 'face my fears' as they so kindly put it. After phoebes arrived, he began cackling like an old witch almost like one of the Furies. He started laughing and managed to get out a few words, " your greatest fear is to get heartbroken again after that Athena blonde betrayed you? Hearing this, the hunters faces softened as many of them had been heartbroken over a man hence joining the hunt. After phoebes left announcing his leave in a fiery burst of fire, Artemis turned towards me," you are a true man. You may not realize this but staying strong after Annabeth left you has made you stronger mentally. Now run go to your tent and freshen up. Dinner is up in 20 minutes. If you want to survive your stay with the hunt, you want to be able to get into a routine. I took my leave wishing nothing more than to belong to a family some people who wouldn't betray me no matter what.Too bad wishes never come true...

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