Chapter 18: Really??

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Celeste's P.O.V.

"Shhh! Mike she's sleeping!"I heard somebody whisper at my door, probably Nathan."I need to see her! Even if she's sleeping!"Mike answered as he stepped foward. I opened my eyes and sat up."Hey Mike!"I said and I tried to lunged myself into his arms,which ended in me on the floor because of my stupid cast."Celeste!"He yelled and ran toward me. He picked me up bridal-style and hugged me tight. I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought him closer. We stayed like that for 5 minutes,as we both cried."Sorry to interrupt this motivating reunion but breakfast is ready,"Nathan said and walked out the door."You better get ready,"Mike whispered and placed me on my bed. I groaned because it's the hardest thing to take a shower and change with a cast."Can you help me?"I ask Mike. His eyes widen."Not in the shower!"I say instantly knowing what he was thinking."I just need you to help me placing me in the bath tub..."I said and he nodded slightly awkward. He took me to the bathroom where he turned the water on filling the bath tun up. He stripped me from my clothes and left in my underwear."Thanks bro,I'll see you downstairs."I said and he left the bathroom, leaving me alone.

Dolph's P.O.V.

"Hey Dolph, where's Mike?"Cody asked as he came out of the shower. Cody and I have been assigned as roomates."He went to visit Celeste. He took the first flight there."I said as I layed in bed watching criminal minds."You didn't tell me?"He asked in disbelief."I forgot sorry."I said as I adverted my gaze from the tv to Cody."Ugh okay. Next time TELL ME."Cody said and threw himself on his bed. I shrugged and turned the tv off and went to sleep.

*Morning....or is it??*
"DOLPH!"Celeste said running into my arms. I embraced quickly and span us around. She giggled and let out a snort. Embarrassed, she hid her face in my neck. "Awww don't hide! It's cute when you snort!"I said and kissed her with a lot passion. She kissed back, then she gasped. I frowned and looked at her. I placed her on her feet and looked at my hand. It was covered in blood. Celeste collapsed on the floor. Celeste had been shot."CELESTE!"I yelled kneeling next to the love of my life. I could tell she was fighting not to close her eyes forever."Nick, I-I love you."She said as she reached for my hand. Tears slipped from my eyes."I love you too, Celeste."I said and kissed her cold lips. Then she closed her eyes."NO CELESTE!"I sobbed into her chest.
"NICHOLAS!"A voice yelled and shook my awake. It was only a dream...thanks goodness."YOU LOVE CELESTE?!"He yelled."I was sleep talking?..."I asked as I rubbed my eyes, I felt my cheeks. They were soaked. I was crying in my sleep."Yes you were! Answer my fucken question! Do you!?"He yelled, obviously not happy with my "sudden" outburst with feelings towards Celeste. "Yes..."I muttered."WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!"Cody yelled. I was taken back."What?"I asked dumbly."Wait, does Celeste love you back?"Cody asked sitting on my bed."I don't know, I hope so. I doubt it."I said and sat up."You know. Celeste is really hard to read. She's really unexpecting. So, don't give up."Cody said and placed his hand on my shoulder and shook me a bit."Oh and try not to yell in your sleep anymore. We don't want any complains of a crazy man weeping in his sleeping yelling "no"."Cody joked and smiled."I'll try. Now go to sleep Cody."I said and pushed him off my bed.
Cody is right, Celeste is really unexpecting. Maybe I'll give it a go. I just hope she doesn't find somebody in her home town.

(Guys! Im planning to put Cody on a date with a special diva. any ideas??)

Haii guys! I have horrible news! My story is almost over!!! *sobs silently* I'm trying to see how many chapters longer. And I think the max. more chapters probably will be 7. I'm trying to make the story longer! I don't want it to end! I love you guys! Great I'm crying! So yeah comment some date ideas. If you like this story go check out my other 2 WWE stories. If you like 1D, go check out my story. Okay, enough ranting. Comment and vote! Comment some sweet comments please! They motivate me A LOT to update. I love you guys! I really really do! Kisses an hugs!
-Viper xoxo(:

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