Chapter 8

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Louis's P.O.V) "Oh my gosh Niall calm down!!" I said, trying to get him to stop freaking out. Coleta had been taken an hour ago, and he had actually called the cops! Man, that guy had looked freaky. He had had no eyelids, a smile carved into his face, and white skin. Uggg. I watched Niall look angrily at me. "Calm down?!?!? Calm down?!?!?! Calm down, Louis!?!?!? MY GIRLFRIEND JUST GOT STOLEN BY SOME FREAK AND YOUR ASKING ME TO CALM DOWN!?!?!?!?!

Dawn's P.O.V) I had just told Jeff I was going on my nightly kills. He had wanted to come with, but I needed my space. I had a life. He was becoming too clingy, protective, and possesive. I needed space. Besides, I had decided to try to kill the boy. He was causing me too much trouble. I walked to the place where he was staying and crept in silently. He was sitting by four other boys. More kills. He was crying, and I was forced to feel sad. Wait, what? Why was I feeling for him? NO, Dawn! He is a stupid human boy! I crept towards him but froze when I saw those clear crystal eyes. DANG! Dawn, don't look! Don't look at the eyes, don't look at the eyes! Too late. He gazed at me.

Niall's P.O.V) I watched her and looked into her eyes. I slowly watched her turn back into Cle. I ran to her and wrapped my arms around her. She started crying and so did I. She looked at me and I melted at the look of her beautiful hazel eyes. "Nialler, I don't want to hurt anyone anymore!" She cried. I was heartbroken. She was innocent and shouldn't have to go through this. It's my fault. I let her go to that stupid audition. And stupid me. The last thing Cle and I talked about was me arguing that we should go out for pizza after the audition instead of cheeseburgers! I picked her up and noticed she had dirt in her hair and under her nails. "Guys, get Cle something to eat, I'm going to run her a tub of bath water. I sat Cle down on the couch while they got her some pizza. I wrapped a blanket around her and left her to wait with Lou and Hazza. I walked into the bathroom and started running the water. When it was full I shut it off and got Cle. "I'll be right outside, ok?" I said. She nodded. I walked out and sat down, followed by the other boys.

Cle's P.O.V) I walked into the bathroom and shut and locks the bathroom door. I hear Niall groan and walk over and feel the steaming bath water. It was perfect. I turned around and jumped a bit. Oh it's just a random boy in my bathroom, when I'm about to take a bath. Wait... PERVERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I shoved him into the bathtube and backed away. I heard Niall pounding on the door and screaming but I didn't open it. I saw the boy scared and got him out of the tub and my mask happed to fall off and i bent down and picked it up. I put it back on but the boy was staring at me and i just stood there. I heard the pounding get louder and the screams too, but i still didn't open the door.

Torn in Two (Creepypasta/One Direction Love Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin