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Year 16 -Secrets

Things continued to change for the foursome. Fred and Lucy, who had been so close last year, now barely spoke to each other. Beca was not surprised, Fred had too adventurous a spirit to settle on one girl at this early an age. Lucy didn’t want to talk to Beca about it; Fred thought everything was fine; and George didn’t know what was going on between them.

As for Fred and George, they grew taller from one summer to the next. They must have shot up three more inches; and they’d started letting their hair grow. Beca wasn’t too sure how well she liked George with long hair, but she’d keep her opinion to herself for now. Especially since she had recently lopped her hair off. Her hair was now shorter than George’s.

Beca‘s life had taken quite a turn as well. In the first place, Beca was about to turn 16 years old. She had been given a car for, not only her birthday, but also for her outstanding performance on her O.W.L.S. You see, Beca was being home-schooled by two wizards: Addie, the owner of the book shoppe where Beca worked and Albus Dumbledore, her secret benefactor. So what else would they teach her but wizard courses. She even brewed a love potion, under Professor Dumbledor’s tutelage, of course. To test it, he had Beca send it to George.

Fred didn’t know what happen to George that day, one minute he was fine, then he ate the piece of candy Beca sent him and the next thing Fred knew, George was packing to go home. He missed Beca and she needed him and he loved her and he had to get home to her. It took some smooth talking on Fred and Lee Jordan’s part to convince George that he couldn’t go. George finally wrote Beca a love letter. She could tell when reading it that George had succumbed to the love potion. The letter was full of sweet words and promises. He even wrote Beca a poem. It was terrible, and she cherished every word. She kept the letter in her treasure box. Just an old cigar box where she kept her most precious possessions.

Professor Dumbledore was so impressed by her results that he bought her an old 1989 BMW. The four, now 16 year old friends, took turns learning to drive the car. It was a lot of fun, but if there was one thing Beca learned from the experience…she’d made-out with George in the backseat of her car and on the back of his broom. She’d lost all control of her senses in the backseat of that car with George. All she’d lost on the back of his broom, was a shoe! If given the choice - “chose the car“, she’d always say.

The biggest change, however, came from Beca’s place of residence. She no longer lived with her Aunt and Uncle. As much as Lucy did not want to talk about her and Fred, Beca was not going to talk about what happen with her and her Uncle, and she NEVER wanted George to know….

…It was the early morning hours of April 1st, Fred and George’s 16th birthday. Aunt Lula was working the grave yard shift and wouldn’t be home for hours. Therefore, Uncle Phil had spent the night with his girlfriend. Beca had gotten up early so she could bake George some brownies and Fred some blondies. Errol, the Weasley’s owl, was already there waiting to take the package from Beca.

The kitchen was small with a work table in the middle. It had a split backdoor and since it was a pretty morning, she had the top half open. Errol was perched on the bottom half of the door, patiently waiting. Since Beca was home alone, she was still in her pajamas - one of George‘s button up shirts she‘d confiscated from him. She had the radio up and was singing and dancing while she mixed her batters.

That’s why she didn’t hear Phil come in. She’d placed the blondies in the hot oven and had just bent over to slide the brownies in when she felt Phil rub up against her backside. It made Beca jump and she spilled brownie batter all over the open stove door and floor. She spun around and told Phil to, “get away from me.”

“Aren’t you sweet making sweets for that little boyfriend of yours. Why don’t you let Uncle Phil have a taste?” and he moved in closer to Beca, like he was going to kiss her.

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