The Beatrice Glenn Memorial Museum

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Year 21 - The Beatrice Glenn Memorial Museum

The grand opening of The Beatrice Glenn Memorial Museum was scheduled for Beca’s 21st birthday. Charlie had moved back to Ottery St. Catchpole to run the museum and to be near Rachel. They’d become quite close since meeting a year ago. There was an entire weekend planned around the grand opening. Friday night would be a formal dinner at the Burrow, a tent was erected and the event was invitation only. Saturday would be the official opening of the museum and also a picnic with muggle games. Everyone was invited, both wizards and muggles eating and playing together. It was expected to be the highlight of the weekend. Then Sunday would be a memorial-remembrance at the village church. In memory of all those lost during the second wizarding war.

Over in Oxford, after waiting the summer for George to come for her, Beca accepted the fact that she had to get on with her life. He didn’t love her anymore and nothing she could do would change that fact. What she didn’t understand was why he didn’t want to meet his son. She blamed his mother. The Wicked Witch of the Weasley’s had never like Beca. In Beca’s mind, Molly convinced George not to come for her or her half-blood son. Beca believed that would be the only thing that would keep George from his son.

Beca decided to take some classes at the University and raise Oliver as a single mother. However, as her 21st birthday approached, she started thinking back to her childhood birthdays. Her mum would always throw a party for her with balloons and cake and dozens of friends. Beca had met a few people since she’d moved to Oxford, but she missed her old friends. To be honest, Addie and Rachel had become more than friends, they were family. Rachel was Oliver’s Godmother and she’d never even seen him. Beca had had enough of her self-exile, she was going home for her birthday.

She bought her train ticket before she could talk herself out of the trip. With any luck, George would be in London and she wouldn’t have to worry about accidentally running into him, and as far as she knew, his new wife. She took the train from Oxford to London just in time to take the last train to Ottery St. Catchpole, the Friday before her birthday. The train was packed. She and Oliver sat across from a friendly young couple. She had bushy-brown hair and said her name was Hermione. She introduced her boyfriend as Ron. All Beca could think was “why did he have to be a ginger.” She hoped this wasn’t a sign that this trip was a mistake.

“Where are you headed?” Asked Hermione.

“Ottery St. Catchpole.” Beca answered.

“Oh, are she going for the festival?”

“What festival?”

“It’s for the grand opening of the war museum.” Hermione answered. She just assumed the girl was a witch, since she was headed to Ottery St. Catchpole.

“Please tell me it’s not a Harry Potter museum? Damn!” Beca cursed, and closed her eyes before Hermione could answer. A tear streaming down her face. Beca hated Harry Potter. She blamed him for George losing his ear, she blamed him for George having to leave her, she blamed him for global warming, she blamed Harry for everything wrong in the world. Now, to add insult to injury, if there was a grand opening of a Harry Potter museum, George would surely be there. Beca would not be able to avoid him and his new love. Even worse, what if his new wife was pregnant. Beca couldn’t bare the thought of George making love to another woman. The tears were coming harder now. She wished she could get off the train, but it was too late; and then Oliver began to cry too.

This day was just getting worse. The first thing she did, after departing the train, was go to the hotel to see if there was a room available. She didn’t expect, when she’d decided to come home, to find all these people in town. The hotel was full and there were no more trains leaving Ottery St. Catchpole. She’d have to find another place to stay. Surely, Rachel would take her and Oliver in, she headed for the dress shoppe.

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