Dumbledore's Dead

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19 - Dumbledore’s Dead

A few weeks before Beca’s 19th birthday, the wizarding community was rocked to its core. Albus Dumbledore was dead. Beca was heartbroken. Albus had become a dear friend, and the hardest thing was, she had to keep her grief hidden. To this day, George and Fred never knew the important role Professor Dumbledore played in Beca’s life; or the important role she was destined to play in the inevitable Wizarding War.

Addie, George, Fred and the rest of the Weasley family all attended Dumbledore’s funeral. As a muggle, Beca was not allowed to attend. A week later, Beca was summoned to Addie’s house. There she met a gentleman who was introduced to her as the Minister of Magic. He was there to inform Addie of the inheritance Albus had left him in his will, one million Galleons.

After the minister left, Addie informed Beca, “That money was meant for you. Albus left it to me with instructions to see to it that you received it, but he didn‘t want the Ministry to know.”

“Blood-money.” Beca said, mostly to herself.

But Addie had heard her. “What’s that supposed to mean. What is it that he’s asked you to do?”

“I can’t tell you, Addie. It could endanger your life and mine too.”

“Have you been practicing your Occlumency?” he asked.

“Oh course, wanna test me?”

“Bloody-hell, Beatrice!” Addie exclaimed as he tried to penetrate her mind. “The last thing a man my age needs to see is a naked George Weasley laying in your bed.”

“Then you shouldn’t be trying to read the mind of a girl who’s horny for the man.” she giggled.

She hurried back to the bakery, wanting to get there before George so she wouldn’t have to explain where she’d been.

When George got home, he sat her down for a serious talk. “Beca, things are looking bad for everyone. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is back and he’s after Harry Potter. Everyone knows Ron is Harry’s best friend so the Weasley family is going to be pretty high on the Deatheaters hit list. All our friends and family are planning on going into hiding if things get too bad. That includes you.”

“Me? Why me? I’ve never even met Harry Potter.”

“Because of Fred and I, it could be dangerous for you.”

“And where exactly would I go, may I ask?”

“We’re all going to Aunt Muriel’s.” George explained.

“Ha!” Beca laughed. “By all you mean, your whole family? You want me to live with your mother!?”

George hadn’t quite thought about that.

“You’re crazy if you think I’m going to live in the same house as the Wicked Witch of the Weasley’s.” Beca’s pet name for George’s mother. “No, I’m not going into hiding George. I understand why you’ll have to, but I’m not leaving the bakery. It’s all I have!”

They fought about it for days, but Beca was holding her ground. George didn’t understand her reluctance. After all, even though they were not legally married, as far as he was concerned, she was his wife and she should do what he says. She could be so stubborn sometimes. He wondered if Bill had as much trouble with Fleur.

Bill, the oldest of the Weasley brothers, was getting married. A week before the wedding, George told Beca the Weasley boys were giving Bill a bachelor party. He wouldn’t be home that night. As it turned out, he wasn’t home for a couple of nights. When he did finally arrive, his head was wrapped in bandages. Beca became quite hysterical. “What happen? Where’ve you been? Are you alright?” she cried.

Summers (with Fred & George Weasley)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu