I Do (Not)

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18 - I Do (Not)

“George! What are you doing here?” Beca was stunned to see George Weasley on her doorstep. It was only the first of June, school wouldn’t be out for three more weeks. “Shouldn’t you be in school getting ready to take your N.E.W.T exams?”

“Not taking them. Dropped out, Fred and I . Not going back.”

“What! Why? George, education is so important.”

“Nah! Already know what I’m going to do. Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes is a go. Fred and I are looking for shoppe space in Diagon Alley tomorrow. It’s your day off, do you want to go?”

Of course she did and they were actually able to find a great location, Number 93 Diagon Alley. It even had a flat above it that George and Fred could live in. Beca would have rather George stayed in Ottery St. Catchpole, but he could apparate now so they could still see each other often. Like for her upcoming 18th birthday.

Even though Fred and George were spending every free minute at the joke shoppe, George knew this was an important birthday for Beca. Eighteen was the age of adulthood for muggles. He’d planned every detail, Beca was going to be so surprised.

When Beca’s birthday rolled around, he had everything all planned. He even had Rachel help him pick out the perfect dress for Beca to wear and then had it delivered to her. It was a white, satin, A-line dress. It made her feel very feminine, but she didn’t know why George had picked a white dress for her to wear. Purple was her favorite color.

Beca was ready to go promptly at 7:00 pm, just as George had instructed. It took her by surprise when Fred, not George, apparated into her flat. “I’ve been sent to collect you, are you ready?“ And Fred escorted Beca out the door and they walked the few blocks to the village church.

Standing at the back was Lucy, who she hadn’t spoken to since they were 16 years old. She was wearing a lilac, Chiffon dress and holding two bouquets of flowers.

Fred kissed Beca on the cheek and said, “See you down there.” and left Lucy and Beca standing there.

“What are you doing here?” Beca asked her.

“George asked me to come. Here, these are for you. Congratulations.” Lucy said, and handed Beca a bouquet of white roses.

Lucy smiled at Beca, squeezed her hand and then walked down the aisle. When the wedding march began, Beca was dumbfounded. She couldn’t move her legs. The Vicar, George, Fred and Lucy all turned and stared at the doorway, but Beca wasn‘t coming through.

“Why isn’t she coming?” George whispered to Fred.

“I’ll go find out.” Fred said and walked out of the sanctuary and over to Beca. “Come on Beca, everyone is waiting.

“I can’t, Fred. I can’t. Why did he do this?” she was crying uncontrollably. “He promised me” she cried, “he promised me after the Yule Ball that we’d have a big wedding, with all our friends, and dancing. A girl wants to plan her own wedding, Fred!” she practically screamed at him. “And Lucy! He picked Lucy to be my Maid of Honor, how could he?”

“What’s wrong with Lucy? She’s your best friend.”

“Not since the Yule Ball.”

“What? Why?” Fred asked.

“Boys are so stupid sometimes.” Beca thought, but explained. “George was a perfect gentleman, as I knew he would be. He made sure Lucy had a fabulous time.”

“Yeah.” Fred agreed

“Isn’t it obvious? Lucy’s in love with George.”

Fred had to think about that one, but then…“Dammit, Beca! You stop this right now.” Fred scolded. “Who cares who Lucy’s in love with. It’s who you love that matters. Things are getting bad out there. If He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named comes into power, then a muggle and wizard are not going to be allowed to marry. Do you want a big wedding with lots of guests or to be George’s wife?”

Summers (with Fred & George Weasley)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora