A Promise Kept

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Year 22 - A Promise Kept

Just like their first wedding, this one was just a formality. George had taken care of the legalities last year. The Monday after Beca had come back into his life, they went to the Vicar and made their marriage official. Today, Beca’s 22nd birthday, George was keeping the promise he’d made to her when they were 16 years old. The wedding was being held in the village church of Ottery St. Catchpole.

Instead of Lucy, Rachel had been asked to be the Maid of Honor. She wore a sleeveless, majestic-purple, cocktail length dress. It was a bit snug, but only a few people knew that was because she and Charlie would soon be having their first child. Neither Charlie or Rachel had any interest in getting married anytime soon. They were just as happy living together, and were overjoyed at the thought of bringing a new little Weasley into the world.

George, in his dress robes, stood at the front of the church with Fred by his side. This time, Fred did not have to escort Beca down the aisle, that was going to be 2 year old Oliver’s job. It was suggested that Oliver be the ring bearer, but Beca knew, the thing that had protected her the most during the Wizarding War, was the wedding ring on her finger and the protective charm George had placed on it and her when he recited his wedding vows during their first wedding. Only she and George knew that was really what kept her safe that year. Beca never took her wedding ring off.

When she was a child, Beca had dreamed of wearing a Cinderella-style dress with a long train. But now she couldn’t imagine wearing anything but the dress George had chosen for her to wear at their first wedding. The nice thing about marrying into a family of wizards, Hermione was able to enlarge the dress, just a couple of sizes.

Instead of carrying a bouquet of white roses, Beca carried their 3-month old daughter in her arms. Elizabeth Rachel wore a white, silk, christening gown with white roses embroidered on the bodice. She slept soundly in her mother’s arms.

The music started and the three people George loved most in the world entered the sanctuary. The moment Oliver saw his father, he wrenched free from his mother’s hand and ran straight into George’s arms. It was definitely the “awe!” moment of the wedding.

The church was packed, the whole town was there as were many witches and wizards that were dear friends of the couple. The Weasley family happily filled up the first few rows of the grooms side of the church. On the brides side set Addie and Winky. At first, the little elf didn’t know why Dumbledore had given her to the muggle girl, but she soon realized it was to help nurture the little wizard and now little witch whom Winky was helping raise. She was so happy to have a family to take care of, she‘d given up butterbeer.

They were all living in a little house in Oxford. George could apparate each day to Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes. Molly would apparate to George and Beca’s house and help Winky care for the babies while Beca was in class. Beca had insisted upon continuing her education. She was studying to be a teacher. Fred and George didn’t know it, because she was afraid they’d laugh at her, but she dreamed of one day being the Muggle Studies Professor at Hogwarts.

After the wedding, just as promised, there was dancing. Arthur and Molly volunteered to watch the babies so the Bride and Groom could dance the night away. As George and Beca swayed to the music, he looked her in the eyes, “It may take me a while, but I’ll always keep my promises to you.”

“All I ask is that you love me forever.” she said, with mischief in her eyes.

“I will.” George said, “Promise!”

The End




I want to thank everyone who read my story. I hope you enjoyed it. I especially want to thank those who encouraged me to continue writing it (you know who you are). I appreciated your words of support. I’d also like to thank the PDs for being my original proof readers.

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