chapter 3

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RING, RING, RING. sitting up I look around the room. it feels wired to be here. Like I never been here before. RING, RING, RING. "ugh" I pick up my alarm clock and as hard as I could I threw it at the window. shattering both the clock and window. groaning I got up and started getting ready for school. To day is going to be hell I thought but as I was going downstairs I hear a familiar voice I haven't heard since I was 13. well....

" when can I see her" my older brother,Jason was how you say screaming at my mother '' I need to see her"

'' I bet she doesn't even want to see you, she hates you" I could hear her crying trying not to but couldn't hold the tears anymore.'' violet hates you" what the crap, I have never said that. just like my mother I could hold my anger.

" actually I love my brother but hate the decision he made and don't tell anyone how I feel , you don't know me or how I feel mother '' I straining my voice as I said this " just think for a moment and ask your self were you got that from please". I walked right past them and out the door. Stepping out side I saw June's car. which was a surprise, I usually walk to school and June never comes to school anyway. slowly I made my way to the car. I'm literally scared for my life but nothing was stopping me. once I came to the passenger side, I knocked on the glass to let her know that I'm here. I get nothing, she just staring at what ever was in front of her. that's what scared me the most, last time she did that was when ivy died.

so like the idiot I was I pulled the door Handel. ugh, the door was lock, so like any un-normal person, I jump on top of her car. she loves this car more then anything so I was hopping this action will get something out of her. instead I got nothing. so I just sat on top of her car for what felt like hours but after a while she got out of the car and cussing at me until she was out of breath. I didn't ask what was wrong. I felt I didn't need, we both had secrets. June's were just deep then mine.

" are you done? good because schools about to start and I like to get to my class before the people who hate me, find me" I stated, while jumping in the car .

" crap,..... thanks captain obvious I really needed that statement cause I had no idea" June spitting out sarcasm with a dash of hatred

" oh no problem sergeant sarcasm" June gave me a death glare which scared the crap out of me "er.. I mean... umm... you should really start driving were going to be late.'' I really hate that she knows my weak spot.


After first period, which was PE, I went strait to my locker. of course when I got there, Danny Parks was standing there waiting for me. Danny Parks, the number one jock, bully, and is loved by everyone but me. he's been my bully since middle school and still today I don't know what I did to him that made him hate me. he is an arrogant, little ba.....

" well look what we got here, is the little goth done cutting her wrist" my thoughts were cut off when I heard his voice

" oh Lenny, I don't have problems like you" when I said I could taste the venom coming out of my mouth. he thought about my response for a moment. just as I was thing he was going to back down he said.....

" what are my problems exactly, little goth " he had a murderous look in his eyes but I wasn't backing down. not for a long shot.

" oh you know, that you in love with your best friend, Jeremy and that you and him go on dates every weekend but your not aloud to tell anyone. I bet it hurts to keep your love a secret. oh and how you got mommy or daddy issues. I don't know which one but I know you got one. also... " the thing I couldn't believe is that he let me keep going and by now everyone in the hall is stopping to look at us. Danny didn't care people were watching. so he let out his anger. he slammed me against the locker, hitting my head against it repeatedly as hard as he could. I gasp each time which of course brought a wicked smile to his face. when he stops, he leaned in close to my ear and said things I would never say to anyone even if I was joking.

I Dont Care: a short storyWhere stories live. Discover now