chapter 6

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Chapter: 6

You know how you watch scary movies and you know the scary part is coming when you most expect it to.

That's how I feel now. like the horrible killer is behind me.

But when look back there's nothing there.

I know I'm being paranoid, I cant help it. I'm just having a really bad vide about this.

Me and June have only walked a block and I'm already really tired. i mean who could blame me. it's a very long walk but June over here is strutting. dang her for being on the softball team.

And to add to our problems, I'm super tired

" Just shut up, violet" what?! what did I say.

" I didn't say anything" that little.....

" Oh but, I know you violet." god , have I mention how much I hate and love her? I have. hmm do you see what I mean?

After a few moments of silence and us walking down a dirt rode, i has the courage to ask her a question.

" Hey June, what happen after I past out yesterday?" It was bugging me for some odd reason.

" At school or at home?" oh, yeah I passed out twice didn't I.

"Uhh...... both" I guess I'll figure out both

"Well.." June began. " when you past out at school. blue, the crazy silent chick, help me take you to the nurse. then you woke up about thirty minutes later. At home, I found you on the floor when I came to pick you up to go to school. your brother put the rapes on your wrists and I went to school. that's pretty much it." she said that with so much sadness that she could bear to look at me. again I felt bad for putting my brother and June through pain for me. If only ......

I couldn't even finish my thoughts when I heard a car pull right beside us.

And guess who stepped out


Authors note:

I know this chapter is short but this is where the whole story starts. so the next chapter will be the reason violet leaves.

Anyways I still need a place they need to go to. I won't update the next chapter until I do.......

I Dont Care: a short storyWhere stories live. Discover now