Hecc (idk what else to call it)

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Hey guys. i completely rewrote a few things in here and also edited some of the other ones. go check them out maybe?

i also took down the warriors fanfic because a) i had no more ideas, b) it was kind of trashy and unoriginal, and c) i'm not in the fandom anymore so there isn't really a reason for me to leave it up

so yeah. i might end up editing my other fanfic because i had so much fun with it.

if anyone wants to help with editing or something that would be greatly appreciated

alright. i'm done. thanks for reading. here's a story.

~tired dude



I was on my way home from school, head lowered, music blasting in my ears. I had felt weird all day, but had no idea why. I figured I was getting sick or something. I took out my key as I walked up to the door of my house but found that it was unlocked. I froze. My parents didn't get home until much later. Someone was in the house.

I had no weapons on me, so I just pulled out my phone, ready to dial emergency. Maybe my mom had forgotten to lock the door when she left earlier. I went inside and saw someone on the couch. "Oh hey. You're home." he rolled off the couch and walked over to me casually, as if we were old friends.

"Who the frick are you?! How did you get in here?" I snapped, starting to dial 911.

"I'll take that." he swiped my phone away from me in one fluid movement, not breaking eye contact. "Sit down, kid. This is gonna take some explaining."

"Who are you?" I asked again, starting to panic. I couldn't take him on; he looked strong.

"Name's Ashura. You're Saphira, correct? Did you know you're named after a dragon?" he pocketed my phone and yawned. I decided he was crazy and began to look around for a weapon, a knife, a book, hell, anything would work. I saw that he wasn't wearing shoes. I looked him up and down. He was wearing a dark red suit and brown hair that hung down just past his ears. His eyes were blood red and I assumed he was wearing colored contacts.

"You awake?" he snapped his fingers. "We have to leave. It took us a hell of a long time to find you, but now we gotta get you somewhere safe. Belial!" he called. Another guy ran down the stairs, holding a black backpack.

"Just needed to pack some of her stuff. Oh. Hey." he grinned, showing off teeth that were sharper than any I'd ever seen. He had short black hair and his eyes were black as well. More colored contacts? "Is Aura coming?" he asked Ashura. Bizarre names seemed to be a common factor among these people.

"Aura! Come on! She's here!" Ashura shouted. I turned to see a giant grizzly bear loping out of the bathroom.


"Taking her sweet time. Come on! Siren's gonna beat us up if we don't hurry!" Belial informed the bear, who started running over, skidding to a stop beside me. She butted her head against my side and nearly knocked me over.

"Go on, pet her. Let her catch your scent." Ashura suggested. Belial tapped his foot, throwing the backpack at me.

"Here's all you'll need. I put some snacks in there too." he nodded at me.

I put on the backpack and warily started petting the bear's head. She huffed and licked my hand a few times like a dog or a cat would. "Hey, she likes you. Okay. Fun's over. Get on the bear and let's go." Ashura rolled his eyes.

TwistedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora