'The Hobbit' Poem

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Squee! Hi! :3

I just read The Hobbit for a book report and one of the things I had to do was write a poem of my choosing, at least 25 lines, about the book. I shall now share my creation with anyone who actually reads this XD



Forever trekking through the land,
To battle and defeat the dragon grand

And seize the treasure and the gold,
Come, watch this story unfold

As they begin to gather at the hobbit's home,
And then to wondrous places roam

Escaping goblins and elves alike,
Against the evil Wargs they'll strike

Befriending eagles along the way,
Then at the shapeshifter's house stay

And continue on into darkened woods,
The wizard has left, now they put up their hoods

Cornered now by spiders great,
The thieving hobbit changes fate

A meal not the dwarves will be,
But now their supplies grows short, you see

And so again captured they are,
The hobbit again shall prove how far

He's willing to go for newfound friends,
He assures them they will not meet their ends

So down the river they all drift,
Until saved yet again by Bilbo's gift

In the town of man they stay,
Preaching of driving the dragon away

They set off again at long last,
Fueled by anger from their past

They only manage to anger Him,
So He torches the poor town grim

Defeated then, his killers begin,
The stolen treasure they try to win

In a final battle, many lives end
But a peaceful message survivors send

Rejoice! The dragon is dead!


I was giggling hysterically while writing this, think I need to lay off the candy X3 Anyway, I'll see how much more I can write, maybe I'll update all my other crap for you guys ;) see you around, my squid children!

~The Squid Overlord

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