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Anna woke in the arms of her love. The three days since the wedding had gone by in a blur. Her wonderful friend Vic had returned to France with the promise that both her and Noah would visit as soon as possible. Anna was so grateful to her best friend, she would never forget the events of the last few days. Vic had gone to the most amazing lengths to ensure everything was perfect for them both. But as much as she loved her being here, she was happy to be alone with Noah again. She lifted up her left hand and looked at the beautiful golden ring that adorned her third finger, she still could barely believe it. She was MARRIED! "Morning wife" said a sleepy Noah as he cuddled her in. "Morning husband" she said as she kissed his lips.

Noah kissed her back with passion, his hand moved to the back of her neck to the sweet spot that drove her wild "Mmm babe, let's just stay here all day?" He whispered. Anna shook her head and smiled "I can't, I'm still working on that commission piece and we're leaving in 3 days. I have to go to work". She pulled herself from his embrace and got out of bed. Noah looked at her with his best puppy dog eyes "Please babe. We could get started on making some babies?" he grinned as he peeled back the covers "Or at least keep on practising?" he laughed. Anna went to the wardrobe and started organising her clothes for the day. "You know we need to see the doctor tomorrow to talk about that. Today is for work I'm afraid. Since you've been here I've hardly gotten anything done and I have someone relying on this piece. Shouldn't you be working too?". Noah sighed and pulled the covers over his head. He knew she was right, his agent had been badgering him for weeks to see the next few chapters of his book. But the truth was that he just didn't have it in him. The loneliness that had fuelled his pace of writing before, simply wasn't there now. All he wanted to do was stay in bed, make love and laugh with his wife all day. Writing, although a pleasure paled into comparison to that. "Yeah, you're right" he groaned "Give me half an hour?".

They walked hand in hand down to the taverna. The space was white and empty again. Not a trace of the wedding decor remained, it was hard to believe that this room had been so beautiful only a few days before. They kissed each other goodbye and went into their respective rooms to work.

Noah sat at his desk and switched on his computer. He checked his emails and made a few calls, he knew he was putting off doing any actual writing but he really didn't have any interest today. Writers block had washed over him before, but that was when he was sad, not when he was happy like this. He knew what was wrong but hadn't dare admit it to himself before now. It was his family, he still hadn't told them about living here permanently let alone that he had married Anna. It wasn't like he needed their approval for anything. But he really wanted his family to love Anna and respect their marriage and to understand that to them it might seem like another rash decision. But in reality both Anna and he had been waiting an eternity for this.

Soooo, its a bloody trilogy!
Let's see how it pans out.


To The Moon And Back. A Noah Grossman Story. Part 3. (Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ