Thirty Nine

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"Come with me?" Anna said as she held out her hand. Noah stood up and took it. Anna marched them both out of the hotel room and across the hall. "Anna where are we going? We aren't even dressed" he whispered. Anna turned to face him and instantly softened "I wouldn't worry about that. The hotel staff probably think we are a right pair of weirdos after I had to come and get you when you passed out in the lobby the other night". She led him to the last suite on the hall. "This is Adam's suite. He told me that last night when I left him in the bar. Usually I have Maria here to do all of this, but needs must" she said as she knocked on the door.

Noah stood in silence as a man opened the door. Noah was shocked at how tall and handsome he was. The man's eyes lit up at the sight of Anna, then dampened at the sight of him beside her "Good morning Miss Davies" the man said "Can I help you?". Anna took a deep breath "Morning Adam. I just came to return this" she said as she held out his business card. "I'm sorry if for any reason I led you to believe I was interested in you. I'm not sure that of the many times I mentioned my husband to you that you really took that in?" she said as she smiled at her husband "The thing is although we must look quite the state this morning. I can assure you, that like I told you last night. We are very much in love, so I must politely decline your offer of an adventure" she said as she tore up the card in front of him "And my name is Mrs Anna Grossman!" She shouted as she walked away.

Noah close the door of the suite behind them as Anna turned to face him "Happy now?" She said as she tried to contain her laughter "So, Maria tells me your ex wife bought you a painting and then I'm guessing you bought another one later? That's the big secret eh?". Noah sat down, his face was ashen "You're not angry?". "I couldn't care less Noah. If I'd walked into your apartment and they'd been on your walls I'd have been flattered. I would have known that even when you thought I didn't love you, you still loved my work. I just can't stand you keeping things from me, secrets are no good in a relationship. I'm not some delicate creature that needs protecting Noah. I can take care of myself just fine". Noah got up and walked to his wife "I'm sorry Anna, I'm sorry for everything. I promise that there's nothing else" he said as he pulled her into his arms "You were pretty scary for a while there you know?". Anna pressed her cheek against his "I am pretty scary. Just not with you. You will always be the first on my list Noah. I will do anything to make this work. I just need you to promise you'll do exactly the same?".


To The Moon And Back. A Noah Grossman Story. Part 3. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now