Thirty Four

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"We need a big ass bedroom mirror when we get home" Anna smirked as she lay head to head in bed with her lover. "Do you forgive me now?" He asked as he took her hand in his. "Of course I do. It's just that stuff with your mum. It was rough you know? She's some woman". Noah kissed his wife "Yeah but so are you. What happened?". Anna shook her shoulders "Fuck knows! She sat and watched me watch your film and asked me questions about it. Which bits were real and which were made up. It was weird". Noah smiled "It was all real, I think that's why people liked it so much. It was too real...Except the ending". Anna kissed her husband's lips "It was beautiful, you're so talented Noah. It made me laugh and cry all the way through and I was the one who lived it with you". Noah lay on his back and Anna lay her head on his chest. "Our ending will be better than any movie. I promise" she muttered as sleep took her away.

Anna woke to pitch black dark. Noah was still fast asleep beside her. She got out of bed quickly, dressed in the dark and left his bedroom. As she walked downstairs she could hear Noah's mother's voice on the phone "They've been up there hours. It's his birthday for god's sake". Anna walked into the room and caught his mother's eye "I'll have to go" she said quickly and hung up the phone "Hello Anna. Where's Noah?" She enquired. "Still asleep. Do you think maybe we could talk before he wakes up?".

"So, that thing with the film. I'm really sorry. It's just I needed to see how you would react. Noah did tell me that you had refused to watch it. I know it was brutal. But you don't know what he was like after you broke up, the mistakes he made. It nearly ruined him Anna. When he said he'd found you again. I wasn't happy at all. All I knew is that you had broken his heart before. How was I..Am I to know you won't do it again?". Anna took a deep breath before she answered "The truth is Denise, you don't. Just like I don't know if one day your son is going to wake up and decide I'm not enough for him. But what I can honestly tell you is that we both have always loved each other regardless of the mistakes we have made and now we are together, older and wiser. There's nothing keeping us apart. We are both successful in our own right and we just want to settle down and be together. I'm sorry it's all so quick and a shock for you. But this is happening...Has happened and as much as I really would love you to be ok with it. It's not that important to me. Your son on the other hand is a different matter. Don't you think at least for him we should get to know each other? I think we could be great friends".

Noah woke from his sleep to an empty bed. For a moment he forgot where he was, then the realisation kicked it. He jumped up and fumbled for his clothes throwing them on as he went downstairs. He opened the kitchen door to find his parents and wife sitting at the kitchen table, talking and laughing as if they'd known each other for a million years. Anna caught her husbands gaze and smiled. Slowly she lifted her finger and pointed behind him to the wall. Noah's eyes followed it and his heart stopped. There it was, the painting of him with his own golden wings, hanging up for all to see.


Well that ties it up nicely for the weekend. I'm away now for two days. Hope you're all having a fabulous weekend my lovelies.


To The Moon And Back. A Noah Grossman Story. Part 3. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now