~2~ The Jerk that fell for me... Hard

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The jerk that fell for me... Hard

Chapter 2


So yeah I think this disaster turned into a very good thing afterall. I finished my day feeling a bit good about myself. But worse when I finally got home. I came face-to-face with the ho ho herself.

------------------------------------END OF RECAP------------------------------------------------

I pulled up to the driveway, and saw someone I thought I would never have to see again. Standing 5'3, in my dads driveway, I saw my bitch of a mother. Guess the name... I start shivering everytime I hear it. I wouldn't have guessed though, her name is Chris, it's not a nickname. Not even short for Christina. Sounds like a guy huh? Yup, if she sounds as scary as she looks you would be just as scared as me. She has really blonde hair *gaggs*. I'm so happy I got my dark brown hair from my dad (thank god!) She wears the most sluttyish clothes you'd think she was a stripper. I don't know where she and dad met though, I didn't dare ask him. I was afraid hed say a strip joint. I came out of my Lexus, and stood face-to-face, with her. "Hi Chris?" Well she's not worthy of the title 'mom'. "What are you doing here?" I can just guess why. "I can't even see my own daughter now?" "Um no. The last time you came to see me was about four years ago, when you needed money to spend in about an hour. You never once came to see me. Did I miss anything other than the obvious??" "Well fine then. Just be a bitch." she frowned. I couldn't believe her! She came for money again. She doesnt even care one bit about me, but she's not getting shit! I got my keys to the house and unlocked the gate then locked it right after me, and walked towards the house. I heard her yell, "When is your father coming home?" Knew it. It'll be fun playing around. "Um... do you mean when he comes home? Or when his wife does? Because I'm pretty sure his wife comes home first!" I yelled back. "Um nevermind then." I heard her retreat from the house.

Just so you know my dad isn't married, but he has an awesome girlfriend that would be a better mom for me than that thing outside. She let's me get away with tons of things, as long as she gets something in return. Mainly some alone time with my dad but i dont care, shes only into him. This one time, it was the day of this huge party me and my friends were going to, but my dad suddenly told me I couldn't go, for a reason I still don't know. I asked her to go and she said yes just because she mostly wants to spend more time with him. I don't know and don't want to know about how well they fuck each other. It would be just like watching a horror movie with friends who've seen the movie and scare you at the most intense moments. Oh and so you know I'd throw up and never eat again if that happened! So yeah, now we make each other deals in exchange of the things we want. She's cool, and my dad needs someone to be by his side like she is... Every. Single. Day.

So yeah, I dropped my bag on the sofa, and walked to the fridge. Let's see, what looks good today, Chef boy Ardis' Ravioli thingy, garlic shrimp, a cheeseburger. But, I think I'll go with the garlic shrimp. One of my favorites. Yumm! A while after I ate, I walked to the stereo, and plugged my iPod in and jammed out to Brick by Boring brick by Paramore. I got my bag and finished homework the rest of my homework.

<3 Next morning <3

I woke up in my beautiful bedroom that was decorated with pics of my friends and family. I went out on the balcony, and stretched, I have a pretty mean ocean view and I can go onto the beach whenever I wanted to. Did I mention Im rich? Well my dad owns a few companies and so I have alot of money on me. Never went broke. I went straight to the shower, the warm water trickling against my skin felt good, but I knew I had to go and get ready.

I was greeted by my dad when I came downstairs ready, "Do you have something you want to tell me, Victoria?" I dont think i told you before but name is Victoria Mary Williams, I am a sophmore at Lincoln High, I have never had a boyfriend yet, and not even my first kiss. Pretty sad I know. But there are guys at my school that would kill to have me as their girl. But no, the guys at my schools are asses, so none of them catch my eye.

The Jerk that fell for me... Hardजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें