The jerk that fell for me... Hard[four?]*Shrugs*

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The jerk that fell for me... Hard



"I don't know. I just don't like jerks, they're just, such... Asses. I hate it. Why can't guys just settle for one girl?Is one girl just not that good enough? I think girls just deserve better, than that, and, and-"

He, he kissed me... His lips softly brushed over mine and he slowly moved back.

He looked me in the eyes and said, "If you don't like jerks or players, I won't be one. And... If you let me like you, you can be the only girl I care about... If you're not already the one.... So? What do you say?" I looked at him, dumbstruck. He was basically telling me to go out with him.

"Uhm..." What should I say?!

-End of Recap-

"Ahem" someone coughed. We turned right to see Mr. Lawson, one of the strictest teachers on campus.

Great his first day and he's gonna get me stuck in detention with him.

"What are you two doing in the hallways during fifth period?" he demanded.

I had to think of something quick. But before I could get one word out,

"My name is Jacob Conner. Mr. Conners son. I'm a new student here, and Victoria is showing me around the school. I'm sure my dad would approve of that right. Since we aren't dong anything wrong." he looked up at Lawson triumphantly, knowing he would win this fight.

"Well, Mr. Conner. I think you would like to explain to your father, the reason why Ms. Williams here, was supposedly giving you a tour with your tongue down her throat?" he said challenging him.

"We'll see about that. I'll talk to my dad later. If you don't mind, I'd like to get to class now." he took my hand and led me away from the teacher.

When we turned the corner we started talking again.

"That Perv!!! He saw us kissing before and only told us now?!..." I stopped. "Are we even going to class?" I doubt it.

"Yeah." he said taking us further away from our class.

"Well, you do know it's THAT way right, Sherlock?" I said sarcastically.

"Yupp. I knew that" he said. No, not really. I don't think so, "I was only waiting for you to notice."

We got to our class. But while the teacher was talking for some reason, Jake got called out of class from his dad. I guess he found out. But why didn't he call me in there too? I don't know, maybe he wanted to talk to him alone.

Okay then... Wierd.

The rest of the day, he still didn't come back to class and I tried not to notice. But I did. The final bell rang and I walked home, alone. As usual.

The door was unlocked, which means only one thing: my brothers home.

"Kellan! I'm home!" I call to the living room.

"Oh hey, Tori! Come check it out. Guess who's here?!" He yells back.

Curious at who he's talking about, I walk into the living room.

There was a really hot stranger on the sofa. Wierd enough it's like I knew him before. I don't know, I just had to ask. It came out of my mouth before I could stop myself.

"Um? Who's this?" I ask Kellan, sort've lost.

"Tori. You don't know? It's-" Kellan was cut off.

"Is that really Tori? Wow you've grown up since the last time I saw you." he looked at my face.

I turned to my brother. "Kel. Seriously stop playing with me. It's not funny. Just tell me who he is." I elbowed him lightly in the ribs. The stranger was standing there looking at me, amazed as if I had something on my face.

The guy started to talk. "Wow. It's not like I've been gone forever, but you look different." I looked at him blankly. So he continued, "Remember...? I used to live right nextdoor?" he hinted.

"Oh. My. Gosh!... It's you?! Derek?! Derek Martin!?" I went up to him and hugged him. And I could tell that he was ripped underneath that shirt. So Hawt as hell! But Wow!! It was him! He smelled like axe. I know why you're thinking, 'you're actually smelling him?' No, the hug was so long I needed to breathe. But other than that we let go, sat down and caught up.

We all talked about... everything. Like all the things we did together as kids.

"Hey Derek? Remember when we would play video games and pogs? Wait, you wanna challange the wii?" My brother just wouldn't stop talking... No matter how stupid he sounded. He walked, nearly ran away to start looking for it. Leaving me and Derek alone.

There was one strong memory of Derek I will always remember:

(Flashback a couple of years back)

I was around nine or ten years old. And my mom told me to call Kellan from Dereks house to tell him to take out the trash. I called him and told him that. He just got irritated at me for messing up his score, and called me fat.

At this time I was really chubby and I was very fragile, but this is something in my past I am still trying to get out of my mind. Cause I lost all my babyfat a year or so after that. So, I started crying. My brother was so stupid at times. He was chubber than me.

But he left to go take out the trash, and I was left there, crying in Dereks house. He saw what Kellan did and comforted me and said, "Tori, don't worry. You're brothers just being stupid. But he's the fat one though." He said with a smile, while wiping my tears away and walked me to my house.

(End of Flashback)

I think that was probably when I started to like him. He would come over our house to play pool. And I would always win. I think he probably forgot about it. But those are the sweet memories I have of him.

I came back to the real world and stared at him. He still had that cute smile that always made me laugh. And ill find out later, but before he had the laugh that always made me smile.

But now, something in his eyes made him look older and more... mysterious? Just then he caught me staring and I looked away quickly and blushed, I think maybe 10 shades of red. Beat my old record by 6 shades. Then he laughed. Yeah, I was right, his laugh did make me smile.

Wait should I have feelings for him? I mean, the past experiences with boys are not helping me right now. And Jake? What am I gonna do?





(I'll be grateful for anything) ^-^


If u like this story, please read some of my other stories:

-I like my dads hot co-worker?

-I'm in love with the schools new hottie

-My boyfriend became a vampire and now he's their leader

-Love, dreams & Swimming

Please vote/comment/fan for these too!!! ; )



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