Chapter Eight-THe Jerk that fell for me... Hard

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The Jerk That Fell For Me... Hard

Chapter Eight Part One

The rest of the day went by slowly.  I just needed to get out of this class.  Out of this school, if possible.

I could feel someone staring right into my back.  I didn't have to look to tell it was Drake.  As much as I wanted to turn and stare at him, I just... couldn't.  I guess I was just feeling... I dunno... shy.

Wait,,,?! Let me get this straight... Im feeling shy over DRAKE?? I seriously don't know what the hell is going through my mind right now. Thousands of things were running through my mind, the kiss, how I basically ran away from him And liked it... Which is another reason why I have to get outta here.  I would rather do a n y t h i n g, BUT stay in this torture chamber any longer.  Why couldn't I have gotten out of there when I saw him falling?! Did I really have to let him kiss me?!! Nice going Tori. Ugh, fck... Im talking to myself now.

I started clicking my pen for a while, trying to take my mind off of my situation right here.

"Ms. Williams. Would you like to tell us what page we are on?" She challenged me.

I bit my lip, and said a random number. "Page 63...??" I guessed.

"Are you sure?" she pressed.

'Uhm... Yeah, pretty much..." I nodded, but in my head I was praying to god that this was the right page.

"Well... Keep your eyes on your book then, Ms. Williams, not making annoying sounds.  You pay more attention on Mr. Taylors than the book in front of you." My eyes widened.  Was I really that noticeable?  

I fixed myself in my seat and sneaked a glance at Drake, who was a couple seats to my right. But only now, I realized that everyone was chuckling and giggling at me.

Well, everyone but two people: Drake, who stared at me wide-eyed and clueless, and Jake, who had crossed his arms and started glaring at Drake.  If my situation wasn't so fcked up right now... I would've probably been talking to myself in my head about how close their names were, and how weird it is that I like the both of them.

I quickly turned my head to my book], trying to read along with the teacher that started it all.

Then, when the hour was finally over, meaning school ended.  I went into the parking lot, leaning against Kellans car.  After a couple minutes of waiting, I called his phone but the stupid thing went to voicemail, 

"Kellan! Please pick up your phone! I need to get home! Like, NOW! In case you forgot, YOU'RE my ride home! So, HURRY UP! Call me when you get this message, kay. Bye."

I waited another fifteen minutes till I got fed up. 

"I guess I'll just FUCKING walk!" I yelled to the direction Kellan was supposed to be coming from. That asshole was gonna fcking pay when he got home. If he was my FULL brother, he wouldve been dead by now!

I walked past the bus stop, about to sit down, when I realized that I had never caught a bus in my life. Yeah, Im THAT spoiled! I always had a ride everywhere I went. Now, Im feeling pissed off at myself because if I had known, I wouldve been able to catch THIS one. 

My house was a little more than 3 miles away from school so Im in a btchy mood today. To add to that, Im on my 'monthly gift.'

I was about, a quarter of the way there, when a really creepy van pulls up next to me. I stop and think for a second. Then, remembering those crazy movies where the pretty girl gets kidnapped, I start booking it. Oh My God! I might get raped, or end up like a prostitute like in that movie, "Taken." Noticing I was still wearing heels, I was gonna slap myself if I ever got through this. I stopped to take them off and run, but when I turned back, the van was in hot pursuit. GOD, why did I have to be SO PRETTY?!

I looked around to try and find a store, or something to hide in, when I saw the Fun Factory, which meant that I was a little over halfway home. 

I ran into Fun Factory, and thanked God that they didnt charge anything to get in. I hurried to the bathroom, and waited for about 10 minutes. After that, I went and sat down at a race car game. I looked at my iPhone again for the hundredth time, and still saw the No Service indicator. I scratched my head out of irritation, and stiffened at a voice behind me, "Tori" it sounded like the person had just been running laps around this whole place.


And, Im sry for this taking so long, its not much,. but its something... can anyone guess who it is?? haha

I was listening to "Hello" by SHINee (the video should be at the right) while I was writing this... Ah, I L O V E them! x] lol

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2011 ⏰

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