^FiVE^ The jerk that fell for me... Hard

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The jerk that fell for me... Hard

YAY! 1,000 READS! I'm actually just happy that this much people read my story^_^


Dereks POV

I came back. I was back home. It was unbelievable that my parents still owned this house. But I loved it here, my whole childhood was here.

It was around two O'Clock, and the High School was almost finished. So I passed the time by walking around my old house.

I walked up to my old bedroom, and found all my old magazines. I used to be a HUGE gamer, so there were cheat codes to games that I played. I know, Im such a loser. But hey, I was twelve.

I walked to my desk, and saw a deck of Yu Gi Oh cards. And almost laughed. Another thing my parents yelled at me for. They always kept me away from these stuff, but I found a way to figure out how to play it.

They always like me being proper and always told me that I should find something else to do. But what else can I do? I'm alone in a freaking Huge house. I looked out the window. One of my oldest best friends was passing my house.

I couldn't believe it was Kellan. He looked older, more muscular and built. I came up from behind him.

"Dude. You lost all your baby fat... And replaced it with muscles."

He turned and looked like he was gonna punch me or something. Then he looked my face closer and examined it.

"Man is that really you? Dude you look as old as me!" he gave me the 'guy shake' and we walked inside his house.

After about ten or fifteen minutes, we heard the front door open.

"Kellan! I'm home!" I figured it mustve been his girlfriend so I looked at the tv screen while he was talking.

But then Kellan said,

"Oh hey, Tori! Come check it out. Guess who's here?!" Wait? Tori? Oh right! His kid sister, she used to come over when Kellan played video games to keep me company.

Tori entered the room. And let me tell you: she is not that little girl I remembered from a couple years back. Replacing her, was this beautiful girl with light brownish hair up to her midwaist. She had full lips and cute big eyes. If I could, I wouldve kissed her then and there.

"Um? Who's this?" She said, looking really lost.

"Tori. You don't know? It's-" I cut him off. I actually couldn't believe it.

"Is that really Tori?" i looked at Kellan in disbelief, "Wow you've grown up since the last time I saw you." I carefully examined her face trying to picture her again with the old glasses she had before.

She turned her attention to Kellan, and said, "Kel. Seriously stop playing with me. It's not funny. Just tell me who he is." she elbowed her brother and I just stood there. Amazed by the way she looked, and shocked because she didn't remember me.

I just blurted the first thing that popped into my head,

"Wow. It's not like I've been gone forever, but you look different." I looked at her for I think the tenth time since i've seen her. Then I continued, "Remember...? I used to live right nextdoor?" I hinted.

"Oh. My. Gosh!... It's you?! Derek?! Derek Martin!?" she said. Amazed? Then, Tori walked up to me and hugged me. I smelled some amazing perfume that she was wearing, strawberries? Not like Im like a perv or anything, but her boobs were pressing into my chest. But besides that, I wanted the hug to go on forever. But everything always has to come to an end. When we ended the hug, the three of us ((mostly kellan)) were sitting down catching up with everything.

I wasn't even listening to what Kellan was saying but I caught the words, 'wanna challenge the wii?" the only way I could shut him up was to say yes. Anything but hear another boring thing that I missed out on. I know it sounds mean and all, but he was bringing up our Mutant turtles times(when we were into all of that) and I really didn't need the lecture.

So, Kellan left to go find the wii. Leaving me and Tori alone. It became super awkward with all the silence, so I turned the tv on. Silent library (i love that show) was on with Jesse James as a guess star. A few minutes after I turned the tv on, I felt like someone was looking at me. I turned to Tori.

She was staring at me. I did a double take. Really?

When I caught her staring, she quickly turned away. But I could still see that she had blushed, and I let out a laugh. I mean, she was so cute! If you had seen her right then, you wouldve laughed too.

"Did I have something on my face or something?" I asked, as I calmed down and looked at her.

"No, nothing. It's just that, Well, you look so different. But I could still tell it was you. But i didn't know at first. And..." She stopped herself and noticed that she was talking a lot. It was a little like babbling. I noticed from before, whenever she was nervous she talks alot. It was another cute thing about her.

She was just so pretty. I had to ask if she had a boyfriend. She probably did, but there's no harm in asking.

"Tori--" I got cut off.

"Found the wii!" Kel called, walking down the stairs.

"What were you saying, Derek?" she asked, staring at me with wide eyes.

"Um... Nothing." who the hell would ask a girl if she was single... In front of her brother?!

We challenged at the wii, and they won, as always. I swear, they must live on cheat codes! But I as the 'good sport' didn't say anything as a beautiful girl played as Romo(Cowboys) and sacked my guy before he could catch the ball. Then she jumped up and did a victory dance.

Eventually, the typical Tori, tripped over her parents coffee table and landed right in my lap. She looked up at me embarrassed and got up. The rest of the night, I got some protective glares from Kellan. I could tell he wasn't going anywhere while I was here.

At eight o clock, I left the Williams' and went next door to my house.

I showered and went to sleep early. Knowing that I'll have to be a senior at



Fan!!! (I'll be grateful for anything) ^-^

&If u like this story, please read some of my other stories:

-I like my dads hot co-worker?

-I'm in love with the schools new hottie

-My boyfriend became a vampire and now he's their leader

-Love, dreams & Swimming

Please vote/comment/fan for these too!!! ; )

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