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before he could reply the bell sounded in the loudspeakers kids began to get up from the tables and disperse from the cafeteria but the two of them sat there her crying into the sleeves of her sweater and shawn sitting there with his mouth gaped open trying to find the words to say.

"Abby I-" He paused "I—I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything." She spluttered as she sniffled and wiped her eyes mascara leaking its way onto her pink sweater "I'm just letting my emotions get the best of me I'm sorry." She stood up throwing her things together "We should get to class before we're late."


"Shawn I have to go." She muttered as she began walking towards the exit of the cafeteria

"Abigail, wait." Shawn's voice was firm in her ear shawn took ahold of abbys small wrist and turned her around so that she was now turned towards him her head was hung low and her dark freshly straightened hair fell over the sides of her face shielding it from Shawn's view she didn't want him to see her in the way that she was mascara stained tears prominent on the surface of her cheeks, red puffy eyes, and a runny nose. he took his two fingers and lifted her chin "look at me."

"No," she shook her head and turned away back to the position that she was in "I look disgusting."

"Do you think I care about how you look Abby?" Shawn questioned "Because I don't,  every time I see you—you just get seemingly even more beautiful than before and how you do it is a mystery."

Abby slowly looked up and shawn smiled scanning her eyes "You're gorgeous."

"And you're gonna be late." Abby whispered as she pushed at his chest

"I don't care." He kept his attention locked on her eyes "I'll get a tardy for you, I'll do anything for you."

"Anything?" She smirked

"Anything." He replied

"Is that so?" Abby laughed "You'd even give up chocolate chip muffins?"

"Woah, that's a little too far." Shawn stated laughing as well

they exchanged a banter of laughter for a moment until the late bell rung out over the PA system the two shifted their eyes upward for a split second before looking back at one another shawn reached over and took ahold of her hand entangling their fingers with one another's

"What are we gonna do shawn?" Abby muttered leaning her head onto Shawn's chest

"I don't know." He mumbled rubbing small circles into Abby's back "but what I do know is that I don't want to lose you."

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