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The next day abigail placed her tray down waiting patiently for mystery boy to sit down at the table

but five minutes had passed and he was nowhere to be found

she sighed heavily before pulling her book from out of her bag, she placed the book on the table and folded it open to the last page she had read.

"those lunch lines are so long it's ridiculous."

she looked up and a familiar face greeted her with a wide smile

"I thought you weren't coming." abigal said closing her book shut

"I wouldn't ditch you." he spoke as he sat down plopping some food into his mouth

"well about yesterday." she began

"what about yesterday?"

"you called me beautiful." abigal spoke in a whisper almost "did you um-mean it?"

he picked up his juice, pressed it up against his lips taking a small sip before he spoke "what's your name?"

"abigal." she replied "but I prefer abby."

"abby im shawn." he stated pushing his tray away from him "and I honestly think that you're beautiful, which is part of the reason as to why I chose to sit with you. someone as beautiful as you doesn't deserve to be sitting alone and I still cannot fathom why people don't see you for who you are because you're h-"


shawn turned around and a girl jogged up to him and sat down at the table completely ignoring abigail's presence

"What are you doing over here! come sit with us over there." she pointed to a table that was located on the far end of the cafeteria

"oh um-maybe tomorrow."

"why? you're not sitting with anybody important. nobody likes this weird bitch. look at her this is bad for your reputation I'm trying to help you mendes."

abigal stood up from the table throwing her trash into the trashcan before bolting out of the cafeteria

"Abby!" Shawn yelled after her but she didn't respond she just wanted to get out of there

she ran into the nearest bathroom, and as the door closed those tears abby had been fighting back began to splurge from out of her eyes. and approximately a minute later the bathroom door burst open and shawn stood in the entrance looking at her sadly.

Lunch ➳ S.M.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin