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Abby's mouth fell open slightly

a quick nervous laugh bypassed her lips

she ran a hand through her hair

and shook her head unknowingly

"What's funny?" Shawn inquired

"Nothing." Abby responded as the smile faded from her lips "I just—are you serious?"

"Yes." Shawn nodded his head quickly "I'm beyond serious Abby there's no way I can stay here and don't want to leave you behind this will be perfect for the two of us and plus you were always telling me how much you wanted to travel—I can show you around Toronto I know it's not Italy but I can promise you'll fall in love with the city."

Abigail kept her attention focused on the bed sheet

"What do you say Abbs?" Shawn reached over and grabbed ahold of her hand squeezing it slightly

Abby smiled at the gesture and pulled her hand back onto her lap

"Shawn, I love you." She began "I do but I just can't pack up and leave."

"You can." He pulled his phone into his hand and clicked the home button the bright screen lit up illuminating his face "Theres still time I have four hours until I leave."

Abigail exhaled and squeezed her eyes shut she stood up from off the bed and ran her fingers through her hair she paced back and fourth for a while before she sat back down on the edge of her bed and hung her head down "Shawn, I just can't go."

"Why not?"

"Is an explanation really needed?" Abigail snapped glaring at shawn "Do you not realize that I just can't pack up and leave my life behind I belong here in Minnesota."

"There's nothing here for you abbs." Shawn whispered

"Oh yeah." Abby scoffed as she placed her tongue on the roof of her mouth "and what do you expect me to find in Canada shawn?"

"Do you remember when we hung out for the first time?" Shawn questioned as he placed his hand on Abby's back "And you told me how you wished that you could live in a parallel universe where your life would be completely different where you actually fit in somewhere and got to be yourself?"

Abby didn't reply she just sat twiddling her thumbs

"You can get that." Shawn explained "Canada can be that parallel universe."

she sat in silence

allowing Shawn's words to marinate in her mind

he was right.

she did want a second chance to do things differently.

"If I were to go how would any of this work?" Abigail questioned her voice low "How are we going to support ourselves? I'm eighteen unemployed and still living with my grandma and you're eighteen and living with your mom."

"Actually," Shawn spoke a shadow of a smile tugging at his pink lips "Once I get back home I'm getting an apartment."

"No way." Abby smiled as she hit his arm playfully "How?"

"I have my ways." He replied shrugging

Abigail only stared at shawn

in curiosity

she wondered what her life would be like with him If she were to move.

waking up to shawn everyday was something she ever so dearly yearned for

she smiled at the thought.

morning coffee


shitty tv shows

guitar playing


all the things their home would consists of

she couldn't help but to smile at the thought

"So, what's it gonna be?" Shawn questioned pulling Abby from her thoughts

Abby smiled halfway she placed her hand on the side of her cheek and caressed his face with her thumb she began nodding her head slowly and Shawn's perfectly aligned teeth broke from behind his lips "Does that mean yes?"

"Yes," she laughed "I'll go."

"Thank God." Shawn cheered as he picked abby up and spun her around a few times before placing her back on her feet she squealed and smiled at him widely

"Lets go."

"Where are we going?" Shawn asked as he began to lace up his sneakers

"To go get lunch silly." Abby beamed as she held her hand out in shawns direction he took ahold of it intertwining their fingers together before placing his lips up against her forehead and holding them there for a moment or so

"I love you Abby."

"I love you too Shawn." She smiled "But right now I love food more and all this talking is only making me even hungrier."

shawn only rolled his eyes and laughed

"What do you have a taste for today?"

"Hm maybe Pineapple Pizza or tacos oh how about pizza tacos! is that a thing?" Abby wondered as they exited her room

"I don't think so but hey we can always make it a thing who knows maybe we can get rich off of that idea—the shell can be made out of pizza and the inside can be the taco!" Shawn jokingly responded.

"That is completely genius! why didn't we think of this sooner?" Abby and Shawn both exchanged glances before they burst out laughing their laughs falling in perfect harmony with one another's as they walked the calming streets of Edina hand in hand marinating in the blissful happiness that consumed them both.

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