4: Happy

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Name: Todd

Age: 16 years old

Type: Proxy

Bio: When Todd was in highschool, he always kept to himself and never made any friends. He lived with his aunt who always took advantage of him which is why he never talked to anyone. Until one day when a group of trouble makers decided to befriend him only to play a dangerous prank on him. The prank had to do with explosions and Todd got a little to close that it blew his entire face off. Luckily he woke up in a hospital his face bandaged. He knew he would never get his face back. He went home only to his aunt who tried attacking him, chasing him around till they went into the garage where Todd found a sledgehammer and used it on her. He crushed her skull and started going crazy. He set out to find the guys who did this and found them at a junkyard where he killed each one of them and ran into the woods. Slenderman found him and took him in as his proxy. He only kills people who abuse, rape, or kill children.

Personality: He is the definition of crazy but who could blame him? Turns very dark when killing his victims.

Appearance: His head is bandaged all around his head also around his arms. He has a tattered shirt with blood splatters on it. Also has a smiley face that he drew on with the blood of his victims. (Geesh!)

Relationships: He likes to be a little pest but I guess its what makes him charming. He likes to laugh a lot but hey at least hes happy!

Quote: "I'll show you what its like to be crushed!"

Weapon: A sledgehammer and he can really swing that thing!

If you have any questions please ask in the comments below! Thank you!!

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