Here For All The Wrong Reasons ~ Dean x Reader

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This will take place when Sam gets his visions (from season one) and Dean is all stressed and stuff
Please enjoy!!


I waved my hand, mentioning for the bar tender to come over. "How may I help you?"
"Give me the strongest thing you've got." I said. I already had a rough day, and getting drunk seems like a good way to end it.

As I downed my second shot, a tall man with candy apple eyes took a seat next to me.
"Two more of whatever she's having" He said.
"You seem to be here for all the wrong reasons. I'm Dean." Dean told me, sliding another shot in my direction. "(Y/n)". I said, taking it in one large gulp.

"What brings you here?" I asked him, piercing through the uncomfortable silence that surrounded us. "Ah, that's a long story." Was all the information Dean was giving up, "For me, it's my sister, sometimes I have no idea what to do with her." He nodded, "I hear you. I'm on the road with my brother and he is quite the handful sometimes." Dean finally says, "Is that why you're here?" I ask, and after a deep breath, he nods.

"Can I tell you something that might sound crazy?" Dean asked, and I nodded, "Nothing can sound crazy to me." If only he knew about my hunter life style. "My brother, Sam, gets these visions, and it's all connected to this demon that we're trying to hunt down." He slurred, clearly tipsy. "The same with my sister!" I shouted a little too loudly. "And we're trying to see if there's a way to purify her since Azazel, who I'm guessing is who you're referring to, fed her his blood." I told him, assuming he knew about what was actually going on in the world. "Are you a hunter?" Dean asked me, and I nodded, "You guessed it. You are too, I'm assuming." He nodded.

"How'd you start?" I asked him. Usually I don't ask questions like this, they're seen as rude and personal, but Dean just seems so mysterious. "It started with my mom, and then my dad brought me and Sam up like this. You?" He asked. "After my mother died, the same way yours died, my father killed himself, leaving my infant sister with a four year old girl. Thankfully, someone named Bobby took us in and taught us everything we know." I explained, and he nodded along, listening.

"Well, you know what they say; Saving people, hunting things. Good luck to you" Dean said, sliding me his phone number.

As he walked out the door, he gingerly winked at me, then continued to leave.

The next day, I told my sister, Emma, everything that happened at the bar. "Oh my gosh, (y/n)! Call him!" Emma said. "I don't know..." I trailed off, but all she did was give me a face, "How many opportunities do you get at knowing someone without having to worry that they'll end up dying in a month!" She said. Wow, that's so crazy and our life is so ridiculous that simply knowing someone makes their life be at risk.
"Yeah, you're right" I finally said, pulling out my phone and dialing his number.
I put him on speaker and as soon as he answered, I froze. "(Y/n), say something!" Em gritted at me. "Hey, Dean! It's (y/n) from the bar the other night." I said, and he seemed shocked to hear from me at first. "Oh, hey (y/n), what's up?" He asked, sounding extremely awkward from the other line.

"Oh, umm" I said, trailing off, I didn't think this far. "You know, hunting." I said, but then Emma gave me the 'coke on' look. "Yeah, me too." Dean said, but then I heard someone slap his arm. "You can do better." The guy who Dean was with said. "Shut up, Sammy!" Dean shouted, but the other person, Sam, just laughed.
"So, my me and Sam were thinking it might be better if we all hunted yellow eyes together?" Dean asked, hesitantly, as if he was scared to say those words.

I froze again, my mind said yes, but the words wouldn't come out. Emma hit into my arm, "Come on, (y/n)".
"That sounds amazing!" I told him, and we made arrangements to meet and being hunting together.

I parked my Challenger I was driving and took a deep breath before opening the door slowly.
I saw Dean and, who I'm guessing is, Sam waiting outside the diner we agreed to meet at.
Emma and I walked up to the two taller men and greeted them.

At first it was extremely awkward, filled with uncomfortable silence and locking eyes for a moment, then breaking apart immediately, but then we started having fire conversations. We'd talk about anything and everything.
Dean told his best stories and favorite tales about when he was hunting with Sam. We laughed over our pie and coffee, and I knew we have a connection.

It took us eight months to kill yellow eyes, and since then I've slowly fallen in love with Dean, and he did the same for me.
We've had countless nights talking about anything and everything, we've saved Sam, we've saved Em.

"So what now?" I asked him after Azazel was killed. Dean was carrying most of my weight because my leg was stabbed in the process of killing the demon that ruined our lives. "First, were going to get you all fixed up." He told me, placing me in the front seat of the Impala.
Once Sam and Em were in the car, Dean drove off and went to Bobby's house.

As soon as everyone was settled, and I was stitched up, Dean came into the room me and Emma are in, with Sammy trailing behind. "You've got this Dean." Sam said, patting his older on the back.
Dean stuttered at first, clearly nervous. "(Y/n), I love you more then words can express." He started.
Dean walked over to me, grabbed my hand in his, "and I've had this question in my head for a while now, and I never felt like it was a good time to ask until now...." He paused for a moment, then looked to Sam for support, and he just encouraged him on. Em seemed to know too because she took a step back, allowing for me and Dean to have the spotlight.

Even to my surprise, Dean dropped to one knee and pulled a small box out of his pocket. "(Y/n), will you marry me?" I was speechless, so I nodded, with tears streaming down my face. "Yes, yes, Dean! I love you so much." I said, pulling him into a tight hug.
"I love you, Dean" I whispered as he placed the ring on my finger, "I love you so much."

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