Marta Wonders.

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Ten year old Marta

Sits on a cold stone

Outside the shack

That she calls home.

Small naked toes

Draw patterns

In the ochre dust

Just because they can.

She stays silent

Not to wake

The Baas, knowing he will make

Another stripe, to decorate her back.

She stares across the endless veldt

For many moons

She has felt

That she is part of this.

She sees the Oryx

Dance and chase

Trying to outpace

The flat eared Cheetah.

Elephants, with trumpet sounds

Pound and shake

The earth

For all they're worth.

She wonders

When it was foretold

She should be bought, and sold

A chattel

The price of a white child's rattle.

She feels the tears begin to flow

For she knows, within her soul

There must be more to life than this

As the African breeze kisses her. 

                                    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Owain Glyn

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