Marta's Understanding

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A government official attended the farm and spoke to all of the slaves, in the presence of their Baas.

He told them that The Emancipation Act had been signed into law, and that from a date to be decided, all slaves would be considered as free persons.

However, in recognition of the financial loss to their owners they would remain 'indentured' for a further four years. If, during this time, they behaved, and worked hard, causing no trouble, they would receive a document confirming them as free persons, enabling them to travel freely.

Marta could see

That she still was not free

But at least she had hope

And she knew she must cope.

She must not break

For the sake

Of her daughter.

She saw Pieter smile,

Then wink,

And she wondered

What he might think.

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Owain Glyn

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