{2}-The Return Of Icelandic Aria

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Do you ever get that feeling where you hate everything? You hate the way you look. You hate the way the air smells. You even hate those small freckles on your father's nose. When driving through Rosewood on her first day back that's exactly how Aria felt. Like she had no where to turn to, no where to run and no where to hide. She hated Rosewood, everything about it.

Of course she had expected to, I mean every corner her dad's old car swurved around a new image of Alison popped up, when they drove past her old home a small tear slid down Aria's cheek. Back in Rosewood, she couldn't escape the memories, good or bad. She couldn't escape how she felt when she drove past the apple rose grill or Rosewood Day, she couldn't escape how she wanted to curl up in a ball and just, disappear.

Aria was always a storyteller, nothing Alison level but she loved to write her own fictions, in Iceland she had kept a journal, nothing super juicy but she made sure she pointed out the small things like the cute sparkle in a boys eye or a flicker of a smile from a stranger. It was those things that Aria loved to capture in her writing, she took the reader there, made them believe it was real.

Since Aria was so into reading she had made up plenty of stories about Alison, one's about where she would be, who she'd be meeting with and how she had gotten away with all of this. People knew she was gone for good, no one had the guts to say it aloud but everybody knew, in this town it was no secret. However, Aria didn't want to think she was dead, she wanted to think that her best friend Ali was lying on a sunbed dripping with diamonds and pearls laughing at the lives the other girls were forced to live with. The universe must have given Alison a million chances because she's probably still out there, circling.

"That's Bens house! And over there's the old play park!" Mike Montgomery exclaimed, he was pointing out every little detail about Rosewood. He was near to oppersite of Aria, he couldn't wait for the Montgomery's return to Rosewood. There wasn't a day in Iceland where Mike did not moan about how much Iceland didn't have a certain food brand or how he couldn't fit in with the Icelandic boys. He used to call them pussies without a cause or something along those extremely affensive lines.

Aria didn't know how her parents felt about the return, I mean she thought her mom would be happy to return to her old life, especially since she didn't know the main reason Aria wanted the whole family to stay in Iceland, but she still seemed on the fence. Ella was forever going on about how Iceland would give everyone a fresh understanding of things, help them stay closer as a family. Aria just thought that was what dad said to convince her, she didn't really think she actually meant it.

Of course the move had been sudden, what did you expect. Aria's best friend became a missing person and Aria's dad had to prove to Aria he was still loyal to the family, after the incident and before moving to Iceland, Byron didn't know if his daughter would ever smile at him the same again.

It was the spring before Alison went missing, Aria and Alison were rushing off to go shopping at the Hollis College cd shop. They were desperate to get there before it closed for lunch so they decided to take a short cut alley. As they were making there way there they saw Mona (or loser Mona as Alison used to call her) chasing after them, they made a break for it giggling with joy and happiness. Mona wasn't a horrible person and it wasn't as if they were scared of her but she was a loser, her thick glasses and razor scooter were just confirmation. They couldn't be seen socializing with somebody like that.

So they turned into the alleyway, it was then she saw it. "Hey, isn't that your dad's car?" Alison paused clutching Aria's hand as they both stared at the car, neither one of them wanting to turn away. A small tear shed down Aria's cheek as she watched the monstrousity before her. Her dad was sitting in the back seat of his car making out with some blonde bimbo of a student, he pulled away only to see his daughter standing in shock staring. Of course Alison and Aria bolted, they ran as fast as they could to escape him.

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