message 18

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today grayson wanted us to have a lazy day since i was all jet lagged and tired from my flight. he told me tomorrow we would go on a date or something, which made me really happy. although i loved all of this attention i was getting from grayson; the hug, the kisses, the cuddles, and the teasing, i wondered what we were. what have we become?

he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet, and it kind of worries me. i don't have a specific reason for my anxiousness, but it was surely there. i love grayson with all my heart, and i want him to love me too.

after changing into a big comfy pair of grayson's sweatpants he let me borrow, i walking out into the living room to find him on the couch, fiddling with his phone. i took a seat next to him, pulling half of his blanket over my body and curling into his side. i buried my face in the crook of his neck, gently kissing it. i looked up, seeing him smile.

"hi baby. that felt good," he flung his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer and setting his phone down.

"your smile is so precious," i gush, running a finger over his lip. i saw him shake his head, trying to contain another smile.

ive never felt so in love with someone. grayson was such an amazing guy, and i have no idea what id do if he wouldn't have accidentally texted me. i wouldn't be this happy. i cannot believe i was this lucky.

grayson clicked through the channels on the television, groaning once he realized that nothing good was on. he grunted once more and rolled over, pushing his face into my breasts like a little kid would.

i chuckled. "is that comfy, my love?"

"mhmm." he answered briefly. "i wanna kiss you a lot right now."

"there's nothing stopping you."

he laughed, pulling my face down towards his. our lips collided. i got a feeling in my stomach, almost like butterflies. this was not a movie, i should not have butterflies. but grayson, he was different. so maybe butterflies were a good thing.

i wrapped my hands around his head, catching locks of his soft brown hair in-between my fingers. his hands teased my sides, slowly massaging them. i slipped my hand underneath his shirt to feel his abs and chest.

"damn," i mutter, pulling my hand out. i hear him laugh, kissing me again.

"yo, what's good. ethan is ho-" he paused, as me and grayson quickly pull away from each other. "well damn." ethan spoke.

"i leave you guys alone for just one hour and y'all try having sex on my couch. shame on you kids."

grayson and i chuckle as we listen to ethan rant about how it was disgusting that we almost fucked on "his couch."

"shut up. you sound like my mom," i groan, throwing a pillow at him.

he gasps playfully, throwing the same pillow back at me. i sit up and pull myself together, sure that my face was flushed.

"dude im so fucking hungry," ethan groaned, digging through the refrigerator.

i snorted. "ill make you pancakes if you watch your mouth big boy."

"that was kind of kinky mae."

i stood up and walked into the kitchen, punching ethan in the chest. he gasped, holding his heart. these boys never fail to amuse me.

"you want some pancakes, baby?" i yell into the living room at grayson.

"yummy!" he replied back.

"i will take that as a yes," i lightly chuckled, pulling out the pancake batter. "wanna help me eth?"


i got out some eggs and flour and shit to make pancakes and after everything was put together, i made ethan mix it.

"so you really like my brother, yeah?" i hear ethan ask. i feel my cheeks heating up as i swallow hard.

"yeah, i do." i blushed.

"he really likes you too, mae. i think he's in love with you. im not playing," he nudged me.

"he's too cute." i gush, pouring some pancake mix onto the skillet.

"he's never been this happy before. im really glad you two found each other."

i smile. "thanks ethan."

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