message 23

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ever since the dilemma happened with emma, she hasn't been over at all, which, i'm not complaining. i haven't spoken a word about it to grayson, but ethan makes sure to harass me about it every single day. i know he only cares, but i would just rather forget about it. erase it from my mind.

it's been almost a week. i leave la in three days. three days. and i could not be more terrified. spending this much time with grayson, seeing him every single day, waking up next to him and falling asleep in his arms. what am i going to do? he is my rock.

the twins have been so good to me. they won't let me pay for any groceries or food at all. they both treat me like i'm literally a queen and i couldn't be more lucky to know them. and don't even get me started on my grayson. my baby. he's so good to me. i have never been treated they way gray treats me by any other guys that have been in my life. it truly amazes me. he makes me the happiest girl alive.

i know after leaving grayson i am going to be a wreck. i'm not ready, i cant let go yet. it feels like i just got here. no amount of time with grayson will ever be enough. i wanna be with him all the time, for forever.

between the dates and the flowers and kisses, i am so overwhelmed. the surprises and the hand holding and just everything about my relationship with grayson is the best thing that has ever happened to me. i really hope i make him as happy as he makes me. but that might be impossible, because he's just so good.

i realize i am daydreaming when i hear my name leave grayson's lips. i snap out of it and turn to him, slightly scratching the back of my neck. him and i are the only two home right now, ethan is out with some friends roller skating. he insisted we come with him but gray and i have been nonstop going on dates and doing fun things together before i leave to go back home.

"you ok, love?" he giggles. i nod as he places a kiss on my forehead. i give him a warm-hearted smile.

"just daydreaming," i say.

"hmm about what?" he lifts me onto his lap, giving a big smile. i chuckle, as i run my hands down his bare chest.

he is so buff. it's the sexiest thing i have ever seen.

"mmm, just youuuu," i swoon. grayson gives a goofy smile and hugs me. ugh this boy and his hugs, they make me melt.

"me?" he laughs, "what's so great about me?"

"ugh baby, everything," i gush. "look at these muscles." i grip his bicep and squeeze. i then run my hands down his body again, stopping at the waistband of his pants.

grayson takes a deep breath in and exhales heavily. "hun, you can't do that to me." he fiddles with my hair, trying to take his attention off of what had just happened.

"why not?" i smirk. he sees the expression on my face and shakes his head. i feel myself grasp a boost of confidence, and i am ready for anything.

"because that's my no no square." he tries to lighten up the mood. i giggle a bit but then continue to play with the waistband of his boxer briefs.

he grabs my hand and removes it from himself. he gives me that look. i bite my lip and lean in to kiss him. i move my hands to the back of his head, running my hands through his hair and tugging on it. i feel grayson slide his hands down my back and onto my bum. he squeezes it a few times and then moves back up to my hips. i take a long shot and begin to move my lower half, grinding down onto him.

i earned a throaty groan from gray, which boosts my confidence even more. i take that as a good sign, and continue to do it. the more i move, the more grayson seems to enjoy it. i smile into our kiss and grasp his hands in mine. he suddenly pulls away from the kiss and looks at me.

"where is this going, hun?" he kisses my chin.

"it's going to your bedroom," i grin, removing myself from his lap.

i can see his erection plain as day. it looks scary, as in big scary. i shake it off, knowing i have wanted to do this with grayson since i have arrived in la. it just feels right.

i grasp his hand in mine and help him off the couch. i lead him back into his room and let go of his hand, laying down on the bed. gray walks towards me, lust in his eyes. i smile as he hovers over my body with his strong arms. i try to pull his pants down, and he helps me. he then does the same to me and i slide my shirt over my head. i see him admire my body, but also undressing me with his eyes.

he reaches behind me and unclips my bra, but waits respectfully for me to take it off myself. how lucky am i to have him? as soon as he sees my vulnerable chest, my heart starts to race a little faster. i get nervous, and the confidence begins to fade. but i know what i want, and it's grayson.

i pull my panties down, exposing all that I have to give. grayson moans at the sight of my body in front of him, causing him to quickly pull his boxers off of his body. i stare in awe. he's perfect. his toned torso, his v-line, and now this? his dick is better than i could've ever imagined, holy shit. it's huge, but am i really surprised about that?

"mae, you are beautiful. like wow," he manages to finally say. i blush and try to cover myself up, but he reassures me and i remove my hands from my body.

"are you sure you wanna do this?" grayson looks worried. "i don't wanna do this unless you are one hundred percent behind it."

i nod, pulling his face down to kiss him. i feel him ready to enter me, as he asks me yet again if i was ready, and i was.

and that night, grayson and i didn't just have sex, we made love. and i loved every second of it.

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