message 20

281 11 2

grayson, ethan and i have been walking around la for most of the day. the twins have been showing me some of their hang out spots, and places they like to eat. it is so beautiful here, with a huge diversity of people everywhere you look. everyone seemed to know what they're doing, where they're going.

couples spotted the streets everywhere. hugging, kissing, holding hands. every one of them looked so in love, which made me want it even more with grayson. we had been holding hands the whole day, goofing off and he would slip a peck onto my lips once in a while. i needed to feel his touch; if his hand wasn't in mine, it was around my waist. what am i gonna do without him and when i go home? i'm gonna be a wreck, a complete and utter wreck.

the sun was shining brightly but the small breeze made it a little more bearable. i felt my hand start to get clammy in grayson's, but i didn't mind it, i wanted to keep it there. and i never wanted to let go.

"it's so pretty here," i sighed, leaning my head onto grayson shoulder as we continued down the sidewalk. i could feel him smile at my comment, placing a soft kiss on the top of my head.

all of a sudden, a group of girls came running up to us, screaming at the top of their lungs. i furrowed my eyebrows and pulled my body away from grayson, looking at him. he was smiling at the girls as they piled onto him and ethan, hugging them. me, being completely confused, finally gained a lightbulb above my head.

the twins are youtubers, you stupid idiot. well fuck. i watched as the girls took pictures with ethan and grayson. i walked off to the side and sat down on a bench. i watched grayson in specific, seeing the girls touch his arms, and his abs; pretty much overstepping their boundaries. i watched as they asked to kiss his cheek for a picture, and ask if he could kiss theirs. i felt a pang if jealousy in my stomach as i saw how happy they both looked. i knew their fans meant a lot to them.

i gulped as grayson went to turn his head, and the girl beside him turned her head to kiss him on the cheek. their lips missed each other, and i watched them laugh about it. i looked down at my feet, not looking up for a few minutes. i just wanted to go over there, look right at grayson and kiss him. i wanted to show all those girls what was mine. mine.

i'm letting a group of fangirls ruin my day. but i couldn't help it. i saw one of the girls hop onto his back and smile for a picture. another one asked grayson to hold her bridal style. i couldn't watch anymore. i saw a small coffee shop on the corner, so i began to walk towards it.

i entered the coffee shop and ordered an iced coffee. i paid and thanked the cute old lady who had given me my beverage. i sat down and began sipping on my straw, strolling through instagram. i sat in the coffee shop for about 10 minutes until my phone began to ring. grayson.

i picked up and put the phone up to my ear, "hello?" i cooed.

"mae, where are you?" his voice cracked. i could hear the shakiness in his words.

"i'm at this coffee shop, the one on the corner. i'm fine gray," i assured him.

i heard him let out a huge sigh of relief on the other line. i could hear him mutter something to ethan, who answered sloppily.

"you had me worried sick. i'm coming to get you, i'll see you in a second."

he hung up the phone. i shrugged my shoulders and finished my drink. as i was throwing away my cup, i saw ethan and grayson enter the shop. they looked around, and when grayson laid eyes on me, he sprinted towards me, engulfing me in a hug when he reached me.

i sighed and wrapped my arms around his torso, burying my face in his neck. i gave in. i finally had him to myself again, no other girls to be seen. i don't know why the whole situation had me so shaken up, but i couldn't get rid of the feeling until i was in grayson's arms.

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