message 29

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wat are you doing?

laying in bed, why what's up?

i just miss my girl, that's all

i miss you too. <3

it's been a month and six days since u left me

damn you're keeping count? im impressed

well are u up for any visitors?



grayson what do you mean?


suddenly i heard the doorbell ring from downstairs. my parents couldn't possibly be home from work yet, and nobody ever comes to visit me.

i jump up from my bed, knowing that this is something cheesy. grayson totally sucks at surprises, he shouldn't have even said anything and just knocked. but he's grayson, so he didn't, and that's why i love him.

i race down the steps as fast as i possibly can, gripping tightly onto the door handle. i stopped myself and stared at the door, praying that the person i knew and loved was behind it. i tightly shut my eyes and pulled open the handle, feeling the cool outside breeze hit my face. i finally reopened my squinted eyes to see the biggest smiling face of the boy i couldn't get enough of.

he was holding flowers- roses to be exact. my jaw dropped and I held my hands over my opened mouth, trying to force myself not to cry.

"i realized after you left that i never formally asked you to be mine..." he trailed off. i felt hot tears slip down my cheeks. "so mae, would you pretty please with a cherry on top be my girlfriend?" grayson bites his lip, holding the flowers out towards me.

i let more tears loose as i quickly nod my head, pulling grayson in for a hug. it had felt like forever since i was in his arms, but the feeling was all too familiar. i knew i was safe, and i knew that this boy, was officially mine.

i pulled away from the hug. "what the hell are you doing here, dolan?" i laughed, kissing down his jawline.

"i came to see you," he chirped, grinning at me.

"how long are you here for? do you have a place to stay?" i rambled on, running a hand through grayson's messy brown hair.

"im all yours for a whole week baby," he kissed my forehead, "and i booked a hotel about five minutes from here."

"why? stay with me. you and i can have my bed all to ourselves," i smirk, moving my kisses from his jaw to his neck.

"fuck." he hisses. "yes ma'am."

i chuckle, sucking on his neck some more. i earn a few groans from grayson before he pulls my chin up so that im looking at him in the eyes. it felt like the world had stopped in that moment. it was just him and i.

"i love you so much," he cooed, caressing my cheek with the back of his hand.

"i love you too," i smile.


"mom, dad, this is grayson. my boyfriend." i smirk. "man it feels good to say that." i squeeze gray's hand.

he smiles and shakes the hand of both my parents, being the gentleman he is. they created small talk with each other, asking grayson about youtube and his twin brother. i had never been more happy in my life.

i explained to my parents how grayson surprised me while they had been away, and they thought it was so sweet. it really was. i am so very lucky to have him.

they obviously agreed to let grayson stay, as long as there would be no "funny business." well, i had other plans. i wanted all the funny business i could get, especially if it was going to be with grayson.

everything was perfect. i had never imagined my life to be this good. it's too good. i have absolutely everything a want and i couldn't be more grateful. but most of all, i had grayson. and he is more than enough.

he makes me the happiest girl on the whole planet.

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