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No dedicated notes this chapter.
All the chapters unless stated is gonna be Lizzie's Pov.
"Why the hell did you even kiss me?!" I half asked, half yelled. "Before you say anything else, I know you enjoyed the kiss." Max replied looking a little confident. He's bout to lose it.

"I didn't." I sneered at him. He looks a little taken aback. He suddenly smirks. Is he bipolar?

  "You know you look really sexy when you're angry." He whispered in my ear. I felt heat crawling up my neck.

  I opened my mouth to cuss at him but Max took this as an opportunity to kiss me again. This time it was even more special than the first.

  He slowly inserts his tongue in my mouth and explores it. Not really sure what to do, I massage my tongue against his. He lets out a very sexy growl as I do so. Wait...sexy?! Okay this is not appropriate Liz.

Feeling frustrated with my thoughts and pushed Max back and turned away walking towards the girls room only to get hold back but an arm. Max.

  I know that I'm becoming attracted to Max. And I don't want that to happen so quickly.

  The bell rang again telling us that third period has started. I hope nobody saw our make out. I blushed at the very thought. Someone could have recorded us! I will be labelled a slut or whore!

  "Come on." Max slowly pulls me out of my thoughts. He tugged lightly on my hand, gesturing to follow him.

  Since I didn't want to go back to class and explain why I was late, I followed him sulking a little. He brings me over to his jeep. Did I mention he was rich? Bea told me that just a few minutes ago. By the way, where did she go?

  He opens the door for me and helps me up onto the seat. He then close the door and jogs over to his side of the car. Such a gentleman.

  He starts the engine and slowly reverse out of the parking lot. "Where are you taking me?" I asked him. "Somewhere over the rainbow I Guess." He chuckled as I scowled at him.

"Asshole." I muttered. I guess he heard me cause his smirk got bigger. He suddenly stops the car in front of a mansion. Woah. Does he live here or something?

"Yeah I do." He replied. I didn't realise that I spoken out loud. He leads me forward and into the house.

Mm...smells like chocolate chip cookie in here. I took another deep breathe. "Mom! I'm back!" I heard Max shout.

I started to panic. I am not even his girlfriend but he is calling his mom to introduce me to her. A lady in her late twenties came gliding out the kitchen door.

Like really gliding. She looks so graceful. She spots us and goes towards us. Mrs Hunter is the definition of graceful and poise.

  She raises an eyebrow towards her Son as they have sort of a conversation in private. She suddenly looks over to me and smiles.

"Well? Ain't you going to introduce her?" She asks Max. "Mom, meet Lizzie. Liz meet my mom." He looks nervous all of a sudden.

"Good afternoon, Mrs Hunter." I hope I made a good first impression. "Please, call me Karen. Make yourself at home. I'm going to make some more cookies. I will bring up some after it's done." She replies with a cheery look.

"Come on. Let's go." Max urges me up the stairs. His room was really cool. It doesn't have any posters of girls just a normal Colour and few pictures of some bands.

"You like Guns and Roses?" I was surprised. I didn't take Max for a Guns and Roses type of fan. "Hell yeah. One of the coolest bands I have ever seen and heard." He stared into space as if think about the band.

I just stared at him with a small smile. He runs a hand through his hair. "Look Liz, I really like you. I want to go on a date with you. That is if you would like. I mean you don't have t-to. But it would be nice to g-get to know you better. But if you don't mind I just..."

He's so cute. Wait what! I just met him. I didn't know what came over me but I grabbed his shirt and pull him towards me.

I gave him a slight peck. He grins at me. "I'll think about it." I purposely teased him. His expression dropped. He looks so adorable for his own good that I almost gave in. Almost.

But I'm serious when I said I'll think about it. But first I have to talk to Bea about this.


S O  G U Y S

I hope you enjoy this chapter and it is not too disgusting to you. I'm really looking forward to the next chapter. Hopefully I can update by Tommorrow. See you guys!

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