Chapter 2

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  When I walked out of school, I almost jumped for joy. No more school for three months!!! All of a sudden, a boy came up to me. I turned around to be facing a boy named Emerson who was in my algebra class.

  "Um, hey Maya. It's Emerson." He stuttered.

  "Hey Emerson! What are you doing this summer?" I asked walking along side him. He grinned.

  "Oh, uh, nothing. I mean, stuff, uh, whatever you want me to be doing." I stared at him.

  "You have a crush on me." I grinned.

  "Yea. Well, do you like me?" He asked embarrassed. I gave a disappointing look.

  "Emerson, you're very, very kind," he smiled. "But, I have a boyfriend back home. Plus, we are just friends, and I don't want to ruin that. Sorry." I finished turning away.

  "Can I at least have your number?" He asked disappointed. I nodded. I handed him my phone to put his number in my phone. He handed it back to me. I waved and walked to my car. When I got home, there was a random car in our drive way. I slowly climbed out and walked into the house.

  "Hello? Mom?" I called. I heard nothing. All of a sudden, someone wrapped their arms around my waist. I turned to punch them when the lights came on, but instead of punching, I did quiet the opposite. When I turned around, there was Zack!!!

  "Zack!!!" I exclaimed. I fell into his arms. He wrapped me up and rested his head on mine.

  "Hey princess!!! So good to hold you again!!" He said still holding me. I pushed on his chest.

  "When did you get here?" I asked. He smiled.

  "A few hours ago. Oh, someone else is here." I looked at him confused. I then heard a screech. I turned recognizing the voice.

  "Carlie!!! You're here too!!!" I said running to her. She hugged me when I hugged her. We sat there awhile.

"May!! I'm so happy to see you!!!" She said pulling away. Zack came up behind me and put his hand around my waist.

"Yea!! I'm so happy you're here! How about we do something?" I asked. They looked at each other.

"Sure, why not. What's there to do in Germany?" Zack asked. I turned to look into his big brown eyes that were filled with happiness. The last time I saw him in person, his eyes were filled with sorrow. I loved seeing him so happy.

"Well, we have great food. And there is amazing ice cream he-" Carlie cut me off.

"Nope. No ice cream." She stated. I looked at her confused. "I can't have ice cream because I had my first kiss with Kyle in an ice cream shop." She continued.

"Carlie!! It's been five freakin months!!! Get over him!!!" I said getting out of Zack's grip to take my friends hands. She looked at me knowingly before shaking her head.

"I can't!!! Don't you know?!? I loved him!!! He made me so happy!!! But he just had to end it!!" She yelled resting her head on my forehead. I rubbed her back before pushing her away. I stared into her eyes.

  "Carlie, he's the dumbest boy on this earth to not want to go out with you. You deserve someone so much better!!" I said. She smiled.

  "Well, to the closest restaurant!! I'm starving!! And tired." She said walking to the door. I took Zack's hand following.

  "Yea. That happens. Time zones. But if we go to the closest restaurant, you'll be puking your dinner up by midnight." I stated. They stopped in their tracks and stared at me. "Food poisoning." I said continuing to the car. They nodded and followed. I got in the drivers seat as Zack took passenger and Carlie took back.

"So tell us everything!!" Carlie said leaning forward.

"Well, schools easy. Nothing much. Oh!! And I got accepted into University of Washington!!" I exclaimed. Carlie screamed and Zack looked at me excited.

"Great!! You have to come home for college!!" Zack said reaching for my hand. I let him have it as he intertwined our fingers.

"Yeah!! I just need to stay here for the summer. I have summer school." I said with a sad tone.

"Why?!?" Carlie asked.

"I need to finish a few things. You know. In order for me to go, I have to get some more education in Germany. That's all. I'll be home by august though!!" I explained. Carlie slumped back in her seat and Zack kissed my hand.

"Well, looks like we will have a whole 2 months with out you. That's too bad." Zack said as he got out his phone. He let go of me as he responded to a text.

"Who are you talking to?" I asked glancing at him quickly.

"No one. Just my mom. Making sure I got here alive. Making sure you didn't kill me when I surprised you." I grinned. I laughed and so did Carlie.

"Well then. How about you Carls? How's your life?" I asked looking in the rear view mirror at my friend who was staring out the window.

"Huh? Oh! Yeah! Well, life's been gloomy since Kyle and I split up. I mostly chill in my room by myself. But I did get into Seattle university." She shrugged.

"Carlie, get over Kyle. He's gone! It's you and me, like always!! Just tell me why you won't get over him!!!" I yelled.

"May! I want a personal life!! You don't need to know every detail in my everyday life!!" She screamed.

"Carlie, I used to know everything!! Know, since I've moved away, you keep secrets from me!!! Why?" I scolded. She didn't answer for a while. "Carlie!!! Answer me!!!"

"Because her and I went out for a few months!" Zack blurt out. I looked at him.

"I'm pulling over!" I said. I turned into a gas station so hard, it probably gave me whiplash, but I didn't care, all I cared about was dealing with my boyfriend and best friend.

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