Kate - The Asteroid

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I stood at my post stiff, I was raised in a military family and I always did my job right...unlike Harley who was slacking off and resting on the wall half-asleep. I cough lightly and she jumps lightly, "oh, uh...heeeeeeey" she said straightening up. I frown, "half an hour...only half an hour left Harley..." she chuckled and we returned working...or standing. We were standing guard to an important meeting  about recruiting.
We were always trying to maintain maximum capacity so that we had reserves and anything needed right at hand. Families were regulated, one child per family. Any others were put to Mars orphanages so that we don't have tons of children running around. I was an only child, most kids were. Some were twins, or others had younger siblings they would more than likely never meet.
I yawn and my father exits first as the door opens and I was off-duty, he picked me up (even if I was fifteen) and slung me over his shoulder. I was in my all black uniform and leather jacket and pistol at my side, my father was in an all black uniform with a highly decorated leather jacket. I laughed and hit his back, "pu'me down! pu'me Down!" He chuckled and put me down before ruffling my hair, "alright Scooter, let's go home" I laugh at my nickname and we walk home. Entering the door my dad sighed looking at the picture of my late mother on the kitchen counter. I look at her.
I laugh and begin to get ingredients out for dinner. Spaghetti and meatballs, we were closing in on Mars and we had gotten a few decades worth of non-spoil food and fresh food for the next few weeks.
After dinner I excuse myself and head to my room. I picked up a picture of mom and sigh running my hand over it, "so Mom...I had my first job today...We're close to Mars...you always wanted to go there...we need new recruits from the last mission...they announced you...um...deceased...after six years...seems overdue huh?" I realize i'm talking to a picture, but it helps me decrease stress.
I changed into grey sweats and a pink tank top before heading off to bed...I was unconscious before my head hit the pillow... 

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