Harley- The Asteroid

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i take a deep breath looking at the panel in front of me...a countdown until the recruitment shuttle gets to Mars...Of course only the leaders will go down. They will administer a test...nobody really knows what happens, only that there is a mental and physical part. They evaluate your skills, and tell you where you can go. Children on the asteroid are trained from day one. However...not every one of us passes....
And the ones that fail...
To put bluntly...are abandoned; but not to cushy homes like second children, but to a labor camp on Earth. Because they are failures. Defects. This whole place is designed to make us perfect workers for our system. And if the system fails, obviously there must be something wrong with the subject.
Deep breath...in...out....
It's stressful for somebody like me....
Unsure of what they want to do....what they can do...
Why? Why was i born into such a system?
I could be a earthling farmer living a peaceful life and living on what i could grow.... not the best place to live though....but i would be happy. Or, i could be a Lunar poet, whose dreams are sent to the stars and beyond. Or even a martian politician.
I could work here.
only here.
Or on Earth.
Whichever it is i don't have a choice unless i get an honorable discharge.
Which would be quite difficult as i don't even work yet.
how could somebody design such a system?
Where human psychology and mindset is ignored.
Its because of Them. They.....only want power.

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