Harley-The Asteroid

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I stretch and sigh walking home alone from duty adjusting my jacket and thinking about Kate and Her father ..I suppose I was slightly jealous of their close relationship, i lost my father on the same mission Kate lost her mother. The Athena III mission, to an ice asteroid to collect water resources. 
After a successful mission and celebrations, we lost all connection with the crew and couldn't find them. We only had two hours after that within range of the ice asteroid and we drifted away, And we could never find them. they only had at the most stretched, five years of resources in the Athena III rover so they were announced deceased yesterday, officially. I sighed and undid my red braid as i opened the door and found my mother asleep on the couch. She was usually tired after work; She was an engineer and worked hard all day. We had several jobs choices , engineers, medical staff, scientists, soldiers, and astronauts, who go on the missions.
I'm not sure what i wanted to pursue. But my mother prohibits me from being an astronaut...for obvious reasons. I'm not sure what I want to pursue however, most teenagers do. Next year my generation begins training for their separate careers. I knew Kate was going to go after Solider, her father was head of the military so it was obvious, her ambitions.
We had leaders for every department. And then leader of everything. It was all founded by Mars and Luna, we were supplied whatever we needed, every week, Wednesday, we were delivered supplies. It was equal for everyone.
It was Communism.
My mother worked her ass off for 12 hours a day as 2nd in command of engineering, as she got the same amount as the goddamn bottom feeders.

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