(Fili X Reader X Kili) Casualties of War

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For ThorinFiliKili_Bae

All of the chaos that one dwarf could possibly muster was being taken out on the innocent town of Hobbiton one seemingly spirited, calm afternoon.

Kili Durin was barreling through the township on a very rickety cart which had once held an entire shipment of pumpkins from Bywater, and the makeshift carriage showed no visible sign of ending its reign of terror, but young Kili did not seem to care- or notice, in general.

"Look, Fili! I've finally done it!" Kili shrieked as he raced down the dirt paths. He yelped as he narrowly evaded accidentally murdering many frightened hobbits, and cheered brightly as he barely escaped crashing straight through hobbit houses and arranged market places.

Fili chased after him on foot, all the while calling for his devilish brother to halt. He panted, for chasing down a cart which held Kili had been very weary work. The only true thing which kept him running was the threat and great danger which Kili was presenting to the dull land of the Shire and its people.

Fili continued to chase his obnoxious brother, when suddenly he noticed his fellow dwarf, Dwalin, sauntering up a freshly-cut lawn and towards a very homely hobbit-hole. Behind him walked the fair maiden (Y/N). Fili froze at the sight of her, temporarily forgetting the danger that she was in.

Kili had also caught sight of (Y/N), and he seemed to be captivated by her beauty as well. Glaring back at his brother, Kili mouthed silently, "She's mine." Fili's head returned to Middle Earth, and he shook his head stubbornly at Kili. The two brothers glared at one another in such a manner for many moments before Fili recalled the task at hand.

His gaze returned to that of Dwalin and (Y/N), and what he saw greatly distressed him. Dwalin seemed to be focused only upon his own thoughts, obviously not sensing Kili speeding up to him, now only mere yards away. And (Y/N) was paying the world around her even less attention than her companion as he strode on before her.

Fili gasped, realizing that just a moment more and he would be out of time.

"Kili! Stop!" Fili screamed in one final attempt to save his brother and their friends. Kili's gaze returned to the road ahead, and he omitted a fearful cry as he saw what had caused Fili's great discomfort.

However, once Kili managed to gain a very miniscule amount of control over his treacherous joyride, it was much too late.

"(Y/N)! Mr. Dwalin! Look out!" Fili called out desperately.

(Y/N) and Dwalin both looked up hurriedly just as Kili's cart harshly veered left mere feet away from them, the sharpness of the turn causing it to topple over, swiftly shooting Kili out of its claustrophobic clutches and then proceeding to cause a storm cloud of dust to envelope him, (Y/N), and Dwalin all at once.

(Y/N) gasped as the dust cloud pushed into her, causing her to inhale much of the oncoming dry substance. Dwalin coughed as the storm did just as much to him. He sputtered and began searching for the cause of the chaos. His eyes eventually landed upon the laughing figure of Kili, seated only feet away from where Dwalin stood.

"Kili! You fool! You could have killed not only myself and (Y/N), but you also could have gotten yourself killed!" Dwalin roared angrily.

Kili ceased his amusement and turned rather pale. He appeared to be genuinely terrified, and yet he still managed to stand and beg forgiveness.

"I-I'm sorry, Mr. Dwalin, sir. I was only having a bit of fun!"

Dwalin huffed moodily and stormed up to the hobbit's front door. He banged on it with his fist vigorously for half a moment when a short, young hobbit raced to meet him.

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