Happy for Her? No Way

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Warning: a little bit of lemon, skip where I say if you don't like lemon. Or continue if you dare.

Your POV

"Be happy, because she is dating my best friend? No not happening." Garroth yelled.

"Don't talk back to me. You're grounded, go to your room." my mom ordered. "Vlyad will you be happy for her?"

"No, but I can pretend." Vlyad said.

"Okay! Now everyone back to what you were doing."

"Mom, thanks and can I stay over at Laurence's house?" I asked, she nodded and I went to get my stuff ready. I packed my phone, my PJs, my clothes for tomorrow, my toothbrush, my toothpaste, and my charger for my phone. I'm sure Cadenza will let me use her hairbrush. I kissed my parents bye, hugged Zane and Vlyad. Garroth didn't want me near Laurence, so I didn't hug him, so he wouldn't hold me hostage, then I left for Laurence's house.

"Hey, baby." Laurence said.

"Baby?" I questioned.

"I wanted to give you a nickname. Do you like it?"

"Only if I can call you babe."

"Its a deal. Oh and its just me and you tonight and tomorrow."

"That's good." then I grabbed my head.

"You okay?"

"No, I have a massive hangover thanks to your sister."

"Mines worse, I was drinking before the party started."

"Oh yeah, come on its only 5 pm, lets go do something."

"I know what we can do." my eyes lit up with excitement.


"This." Laurence picked me up and threw me onto the couch. I was laying face up, Laurence rolled me over, and sat on my lower back. I grunted as he sat down, he brought his hands to my shoulders, and started massaging my neck and shoulders. I moaned every once in a while, every time I did Laurence let out a small laugh.

Then he stopped, got off me and rolled me back over. He then sat on my stomach and came closer to my face. I was having a little trouble breathing, but I didn't care. Laurence kissed me and I kissed back, for some reason, my hand went for his hair, but he pinned my hands down. He kept kissing me until, he picked me up, carried me to his room (still kissing me), set me down, and pinned me to a wall.

Lemon starts now........ I'M SORRY!

He stopped kissing me and moved to my neck. He found my sweet spot, I groaned really loudly, he started using his teeth, making me groan louder, he grabbed my hand, interlocking our fingers. He held one hand against the wall, he grabbed my other hand and put it on the back of his head, allowing me to play with his hair, then he wrapped his hand around my waist. I was still pinned to the wall as he kissed my neck. I started pulling his hair again, but stopped realizing what I was doing. He stopped kissing my neck, and said, "Its okay, I'm used to it, Cadenza pulls my hair all the time." then he moved to my lips, I pulled on his hair some more, then I felt him grab my shirt. I knew what he was getting at, he licked my bottom lip asking for an entrance, I playfully declined, Laurence moaned in sadness, and he grabbed my butt making me gasp. Laurence turned this into a real make out session.

Laurence POV

I made my tounge's way into her mouth, I was pulling up her shirt without realization, and I was making out with her. I just realized, she is a sophomore, I'm a senior, and we are in my room, doing this. I have to stop this.

As much as I didn't want to I pulled away. I didn't want to take things to the bed. I don't know if she's like that. She looked confused.

"What's wrong?" YN asked.

"I don't want to take this to far." I replied, my eyes a bit watery.

"Too far?"

"I didn't want to take things further than simple kisses, I didn't want to move to fast, and I didn't want to hurt you."

"If it makes you feel any better, I liked it, a lot. Also I don't like slow, and I'm the one hurting you and your poor head." I laughed a bit.

"And you're a sophomore, I'm a senior, and I just think we are to young for anything crazy."

"Laurence, we drink alcohol, do dangerous things, and still get good grades. I don't think this isn't any different." I looked up at her, and looked into her sweet EC eyes. She smiled and pulled me towards her, "Now where were we?" she asked.

Your POV

I reached for Laurence's belt and took it off of him, he seemed unsure about this. I pulled him into a kiss and used force on it, nearly pushing him over. He pushed me back on the wall, I grabbed his shirt, and started pulling it off of him. He pulled away from the kiss and helped me take it off him, then he went for my shirt, and pulled it off. I took off my own belt, unbuttoned my pants, and pulled them off.

Laurence looked at me as I walked closer to him, and pushed him into the bed. "You're feisty." he told me.

"Only when I want to be." I responded. I went and sat on his lower torso, I laid my hands on his abs, and he sat up, pushing me back a little. He ran his hands through my HC hair. I pushed him back down, and he rolled on top on me. He leaned toward my neck, continued kissing it, and then someone knocked. Panic filled his eyes as he covered me up, then ran downstairs.

Sorry about all that, I suggest skipping the next part, cause its gonna be worse. Now I'm going to go crawl in a hole and die.


A Burning Love Pt 1- PDHS: Will it last. (LaurenceXReader)Where stories live. Discover now