How The Doctor Ended up in Synoiv

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one day before

The Doctor was on a normal adventure by himself.  He didn't have a companion with him, not until his foot accidentally dialed a new date and sent him spiraling several thousand years into the future. The Doctor was not this careless -- unless he was asleep, which he was on this occasion.  The blue box twirled into the new future, crashed into a disembodied tree and The Doctor tumbled out at the foot of a twenty-three year-old college student named, Brooke.  The city he had landed in, which was called, Synoiv, was a large asteroid just left of Pluto.  It was very warm for being so far away in the cosmos, but Brooke explained that her planet had developed a "radar-sonar-thing" that absorbed the sun's heat.  The Doctor fancied her immediately and asked her to take him around the city.  Brooke was attracted to the matchstick figure with red Converse shoes and pin-stripe suit.  She thought he was a new professor who was on his first day, but The Doctor told his story, and Brooke only thought he was joshing. 

"Oh no, really, my name is, The Doctor.  You can call me, 'Doctor.'  I'm a Time Lord and I'm not quite sure what time this is," The Doctor had said while they walked side by side towards the university.

Brooke gave a laugh and tucked a few strands of her black hair behind her ear.  "My name is Brooke Lovelace--,"

"Lovelace?  What an interesting last name.  Not a bad one, though.  I once had a friend whose sister was named Lovelee."

"What's a Time Lord?"  Brooke said.  "Do you have enemies?"

It was right after she had said those words when the ground opened up beneath both of them and they fell towards the centre of the earth.  The soil wove itself back together, shutting out the sunlight.  The Doctor and Brooke tumbled deep into the darkness -- one screaming loudly and the other trying to explain what was happening.  Somewhere during their surprise descending, The Doctor found Brooke's hand and held her tightly.  When they landed, a loud voice began shouting at them.  If you know much about The Doctor, you would know that he has an ability to translate alien language into English, therefore, the poor young woman knew exactly what The Voice was shouting.

"The Doctor has arrived!  We were told you would one day come.  And now you belong to me!"

The Doctor did not let go of Brooke, in fact, he could not help looking at her sweet, frightened face.  She didn't remind of anyone special, but he felt a comfort around her that he had never felt around any of his past companions.  For a few minutes, he didn't understand what had come over him, and then he realised.  He felt safe around her.  All the time, he found it his responibility to keep whoever was with him safe from harm.  But this time, he felt vulnerable around the woman.  It was new, but he was unafraid to let himself fall for her. As later mentioned, Brooke only saw him as an exciting young man with strange encounters. Brooke never believed in aliens, but she couldn't really deny it when she had fallen into the pit and heard The Voice speak.

"You are trespassing on forbidden land--,"

"I was unaware that this is forbidden," The Doctor commented, holding up a finger.  "In fact, we did not mean to upset you.  We would like to go in peace, or, I will have to fight you."

The Voice let out a howling life.  "Apparently you have underestimated us, Doctor!"  And with that, a bolt of electricity shot out of the darkness and bridled The Doctor's body.  It crawled up his body like an infected vine and soon had him so bundled up that he keeled over and could not get lose.  From there on, little black eyed servants crawled out and carried him off to the metal table.  With the girl, they threw her into a cage, where she was forced to watch them torture The Doctor endlessly until he told his entire story from his birth, to his escape from the Time Wars, and to his enounter with Harold Saxon.  The servants were allowed to mock him, whip him, curse him, and everything spiteful evil minions could do.  However, they thought they had total power, but The Doctor was very capable to overturn them with one word, but he didn't.  He knew the amount of pain he could endure, and he knew he was capable of a perfect recovery.  After he had revealed all he could with the little strength he had left, The Voice announced his horrible plan to remove his hearts the next morning.

"I hope you're not mad at us, Doctor, you'll understand.  Are you all right?"

The Doctor couldn't speak.  His human body had experienced too much and had gone into defense mode which was similar to a coma. He wouldn't wake up until he was ready.

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