January 3rd, 10.10 a.m.(break time), in class 12-C of a famous high school

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We were in the same group for the music-class exam, the teacher chose five students for every group.

I was so thankful for Mr. Junmyeon about that; we're in the same class, but we barely talked to each other, actually never.

Because we're different in too many things.

You're warm and bright, yet me? I was cold and dark.

I didn't believe in anything, but you believed in everything.

You're white when I was black.

We didn't match at all, that's what I wanted myself to believe before.

"Um~ Chanyeol?" You called me while I was watching outside the window from my chair.

" ... " I turned my head to your side.

"I'm Byun Baekhyun. We're in the same group for the music-class exam."


"We discussed about it last week, but you didn't come."

"Oh , I was busy."

"Really...okay. So I wanna tell you that we've already decided about our performance. We're gonna sing a song."  You said cheerfully, an expression I'd never experienced.

I didn't know, but I enjoyed watching you talk.

It was interesting.

"And you're gonna play the guitar. Jongdae said you play guitar well."

"No, I refuse." I looked away.

"Eeh~ Why??"

"Because I don't want to."

"Huh??! Why?"

"There's no 'why', I just don't want to do it. That's all."

"Aa~ ne..." You answered with a very low tone making me glanced at your side; you looked so sad like you could cry any second,


"Hey, don't cry!" I shouted, I didn't know why.

"Wh-I-I'm not..." You rubbed your glistened eyes.

Oh Lord!

"Okay! Okay! I'll do it! Now happy?" I really didn't understand what I did.

Then your smile raised, how could you do such a thing?

"Thank you." You said happily. Warmth crept inside my heart.

 "Ah~" You put some pieces of paper on my table.
"You'll need it. We have to practice after school everyday in the music room and I hope you'll come. We'll start it tomorrow. You know this is really important for our final score."

" ..."

"Okay~ see you then..." You bowed and left me with your smile.

" ..." I looked at the papers.


Since that day we often met and you always talked to me, you're the only one who dared to talk with me. I had no friends, I didn't need one though. They thought I was scary; I barely talked or greeted anyone and even smiled. So they never wanted to make friends with me. I'd said before I didn't need any friends.

It's just annoying.

But then I found that if it's you, I never felt bothered at all. You gave me a little reason to be happy when I shouldn't. You tried to make me close with others, you taught me to speak, taught me to smile.

Then I got some friends, I mean 'real friends' not just because we're in the same class.

Actually I didn't need it because you're more than enough for me. I would never need anyone else, you're just enough.

But at the end you're just a real good player; you left me when you'd had my heart in your hands.

Game over

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