[END] August 16th, 06.39 p.m., at home

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My eyelids felt so heavy, but I forced myself to open up my eyes.
I didn't want to stay too long in the darkness.

I really missed the light.

My light.

"Ugh!" My head felt so painful.

"Chanyeol??!! Yeol! Are you okay??" My father who had been sleeping on the armchair beside my bed woke up immediately.
He approached me.

"Yeol?!" He panicked.

"I-I'm okay dad, just feel a bit dizzy." I answered, he always being worried too much.

"You sure?? Okay, don't move too much, come on~ " He released my hands that holding my head.

"What happened to me, dad? I feel so terrible."

"You fainted at the café last night, don't you remember?"

I shook my head.

"Okay, do you want something to eat?"
"Em, no, not now. I think I don't feel up to eat anything right now."

My eyes caught a pink envelope lying on the table right beside the armchair .

"What's that?" I pointed it with my chin. I felt so weak.

"Eh~ that's... nothing, son." My father said avoiding my eyes.

He's lying.

"Dad?" I stared at him.

He sighed.

"That's a letter from Baekhyun."

I stunned.

"Last night her mother came, she said she'd found it in Beby's room while cleaning up. And your name's on the envelope."

"... I wanna read it, dad."

My father looked hesitated then he picked it and gave it to me.

I tried to get up with his help and leaned against the pillow.

"Thank you, dad. Please... could you leave me alone for a while," I said.

My father stood up and he's about to open the door, "If you need anything just call me, okay?"

I nodded.

I looked at the letter.

To: Park Chanyeol

Your handwriting.

Without any hesitation I opened it and began to read.

Dear Chanyeol,

It's a bit awkward to write a letter to you like this, don't you think?? Moreover I'm sitting in front of you now.

My eyes widened, I clenched my chest. But I continued reading.

We must be having a really special dinner because today's your special day. But I don't think I can speak as honest as here. So, please read it until the end and don't look at me! I must be blushing hard right now.

First, I wanna say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! ", wish you'll be always happy and lucky. Thanks for coming into my life and be a part of it. I'm so grateful. I think it's not only me but also everyone in your life, your friends, your family, your father and your mother.

I startled .

Yeol, please stop acting like you are a hater, you know you love your mother, you know you love your father, and your step father.

CHANBAEK - THE DRIED TEARS (SHORT STORY)Where stories live. Discover now