August 15th, 09.56 p.m., at Green Café

54 4 0

I was still sitting there.


I didn't know why, for whom.
I was just waiting.
I was waiting to convinced myself,

about you.


Huh~ I laughed at myself .
Why was I'm being so pathetic? Haha~
Even if I kept waiting for you here, you would never come.


You left me.

In the darkness again.
You broke your promise.

My vision was blurred.

I couldn't breathe.
I couldn't reach the air.

Haah~ Haaah~!!

Why everyone were looking at me that way?
A waiter came and said something.


I-I couldn't hear anything.
I couldn't see anything.
Everything was black again.

CHANBAEK - THE DRIED TEARS (SHORT STORY)Where stories live. Discover now