Chapter 1

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(A/N Media is Lerajius' guild mark)

Lucilla's POV

I felt nothing but anger and depression, and everywhere I went, it would do nothing but storm fast, hard, scorching rain. It happened ever since I met a lady named Juvia, whom became a great friend of mine a year ago. It always rained while she was around, and I adored her for that. She always said ,'Drip Drip Drop', and I guess I grew on that as well... ehehe... I even dyed the tips of my hair a dark blue, like Juvia. We stayed with each other for about a few days, but I had to move on my travels. This is what happened...


As I waved farewell to Juvia, whom still had an emotionless face on, the rain started to pick up drastically. The clouds darkened more, and Juvia turned away to walk back to her guild. Though I was not cold, my breath was pure white from even the slightest breath. I continued on my travels, I noticed how hot the rain felt, though I could not feel the difference, I knew it was hot due to complaints of some passerby's. 5 cities down, I gripped on the black, scarlet lined cloak that Pret gave me, which was also somewhat of a limiter; although my eye dragon runes worked better. Only Regella knew what my face looked like, and the cloak had finally fit me properly. When I was a child, it loosely dragged behind me. But now, it only lightly drifted against the ground, the hood's shadow just large enough to cover my features, my mouth barely showing. 

Trees were swaying harshly, the wind visibly to the eye. I looked up and saw the sky invoked in a large black swirl of clouds, thunder and lightning occasionally blasting. As I thought about it, it had seemed as if it followed me, and I noticed that the rain around me was harder than the rain around that. I used my dragon eyes, and saw that 15 kilometers further away from me, it was only slightly drizzling. My eyes widened as I realized: I had picked up Juvia's Storm.

-flashback end-

I sighed as the wind around me seemed to be calmer, as if the storm knew I did not want my cloak to be lifted off, though I still carried a navy blue umbrella. I was known as Tsunami, for no one but Regella knew my name. Regella popped her head out of my cloak, looking around. She always wore blue eyeliner now, for she was also a good friend of Juvia's, and loved the color blue. I had grown fond of the name Tsunami, so Regella had started calling me Nami.

"Look, Nami. It's Lerajius, the Dark Guild we heard about. Should we join it?" She asked. I smiled ever so lightly and nodded, bringing the storm right above Lerajius. I kicked open the guild doors and spoke loud and firm.

"I am Tsunami, I order you to let me and my verceed join your guild!" I used to be a sweet, caring girl to everyone I knew, but now, only Regella understood me, and in return, I was only kind to her. Everyone paled, nodding quickly. I closed my umbrella and propped it on the wall next to me, turning to the guild master, also pale.

"Where w-would you want your guild mark, O' Great Ts-Tsunami?" He asked, shakily. I took my right hand out from under my cloak, holding it up.

"Make it black, fading to blue at the bottom." He nodded and stamped me, then stamped Regella with a blue stamp, fading to black at the bottom.

-timeskip, 3 weeks later-

"Everyone get ready to attack! Fairytail is here! Tsunami, Regella, you are to attack if Urstura is down!" Arlow, the guild master, shouts. Everyone readies their magic, and Regella transforms into her human form. Her human form had a black cape on, the cape having a navy blue jewel holding it together. She had long black hair with blue and gold highlights that went to her thighs, and her eyes stayed a shining gold, with her blue eyeliner. Under her cape, she wore black ripped jean, and a navy blue tank top. She looked about the same age as me, maybe a year younger. She knew Royal Spirit Slaying Magic, as well as Form Magic. My hair was down to my calves now, though the cloak still hid it. I teleported me and Regella (I taught myself basic magic while in the Heartfelia mansion) to a hidden room, but with a viewing lacrima, so I could see if I needed to come out. Soon enough, Ustura, our other S Class mage, was down, and I teleported 50 ft away from the group of mages, only me and Regella's silhouettes visible. They were discussing the crazy weather, but itwasn't long before they noticed my presence.

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