"The things that make us different are the things that make us stronger."

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I felt slightly better and not as drained once I had woken up, so I decided to go and explore the common room seeing as I didn't have any classes for the rest of the day and hadn't gotten a chance to do so before. The common room was also located on the floor below me a couple of doors down from the one I had left the flowers at. I debated knocking their first but decided against it because I didn't want them to think I was weird or being to clingy. My mom told me people didn't like that and I should give them time, but I didn't mind because people scared me, but Walz was sad and therefore she didn't look like she could hurt me, so I wasn't scared, because Lucy was never sad just angry and that scared me, especially now because I couldn't understand it. Maybe she was a nice person...I don't know. It still confused me because she promised she loved me, but my mom said love doesn't hurt. So I was confused. I'm always confused,

Walz's friend however still intimidated me because she was so loud and asked to many questions and used big words I didn't understand. I not like I didn't know them, I did. I just couldn't remember them. Its like I know I knew the words people would say to me, but I didn't understand them. Though, I could always feel them nibbling away at the side of my brain just out of reach and the more I concentrated the hard it became and the tireder I got.

To be honest I was sick of being tired, mainly because no one understood how draining it was or how doing simple activities like shopping could leave me drained for weeks, because no one understood how hard it is for my brain to deal with everything and all the information thrown at it from lights, to sounds, to words and background noise. All of it was amplified in my head, making it impossible to do or focus on anything except the extreme fatigue plaguing my body.

The common room had a few people in it sat on desk at the computers or on the sofas watching the big TV that was mounted to the wall in the middle of the room. So there was no escaping it. The sound was played through large speakers  on the sides, making my head hurt a bit, but it was nothing unbearable as long as I put my ear phones in, so I dug around in my pocket to pull them out to filter out the noise as I looked around the room, invisible to the other students, until some guy tapped me on the shoulder, making me shudder away involuntarily. That really annoyed me and I wished I'd stop doing it.

"Hey gorgeous. Come here often?" He asked, yanking out my earphones and leaning over me obnoxiously, talking in a funny accent from- I couldn't remember. But it was a fancy sounding accent and a bit strange at the same time.

"I- um...no, I just moved here." I explained leaning away from him as he tried to pin me to the wall. That was not nice.

"Oh yeah? Well where are you from? Somewhere as hot as you?" The brown haired boy smirked. He had a pretty face, but he was too close and I didn't like it, his face was starting to blur and hurt my eyes.

"Um- c-can you step back a bit please?" I tried to ask nicely, because he seemed nice and I didn't want to hurt his feelings or make him mad.

"Yeah sure, sorry." He said and stepped back, dropping his arm from the wall he leant against and I felt better because now my brain could focus on him better. He had brown hair and brown eyes to match and his skin was a nice olive colour. "But you didn't answer my question, where are you from pretty?" He asked again. I think he was complementing me, which was weird because I usually don't get compliments or nice words said at me. Lucy always called me bad words like stupid, a whore and said that I was pathetic. I wish my brain would have forgotten those words instead, but it didn't. They just circled around my head all the time, which was also very tiring. Thinking was tiring.

"New York." I told the boy, remembering how much I already missed my city.

"Oh, that's super hot. Maybe we can go up to your room and you could tell me more about it?" He asked nicely, so I saw no reason not to.

Flowers on my doorstepМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя