"Like hope."

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"Camilaaaa...Where are you t-taking me?" Lauren whined as Camila pushed her wheelchair through the night-time air, while she sat blindfolded and grumbling.

"Just trust me, Lauren." Camila shook her head chuckling, despite the fact that Lauren couldn't see that.

"I do. I'm just...nervous." Lauren explained, breathing a sigh deciding to relax and let Camila drag her away to wherever she was taking her. It couldn't be bad considering Normani knew and had let her go, Normani wouldn't let her go anywhere if she thought it was dangerous...right??

"You don't have to be." Camila said coming to a stop. "Besides we're here." She leant down behind Lauren and took of the bling fold, revealing the white wooden gazebo in the forested park of Miami, lit up by twinkling fairy lights lacing the edges of it, emoting such a warm cozy feeling despite the fact they were outside. In side the gazebo sat a white piano upon a red rug with rose growing up the sides of it. Or at least it was made to look that way.

Outside the lone gazebo, overlooking the lake, were multiple fold out chairs with people mostly in their middle ages sat around talking gently through the midnight air.

The sight was beautiful and the epitome of serenity, it was like nothing else existed outside of this piece of paradise.

"I found this place a few months ago, when I was going on a walk to clear my head and heard the music flowing through the forest leading me to here." Camila explained. "It's one of my favourite places on the planet." Camila added sheepishly.

"It looks magical." Lauren spoke in amazement.

"It is! You should wait until the music starts, it's like you're in a whole other world." Camila agreed. "I just- I felt like you'd like it here, I don't know...we can always go back if you-"

"No." Lauren interrupted Camila's rambling. "I love it here already."

"Well then you should meet Charlie!" Camila insisted excitedly. "He started this whole thing and he's a pianist, just like you!"

"Um- okay." Lauren said, getting nervous.

"You'll like him. I promise. He's a good guy." Camila assured. "CHARLIE!" Camila called after the boy with the mess brown hair dotting around the gazebo. "HEY, CHARLIE!!" She called again. This time grabbing the boy's attention.

"Oh, hey Camila." He spoke approaching the girl before pulling her in for a hug.

"Hey Chaz, how's it going?" Camila asked, pulling away from the boy to see how he was holding up.

"Really good thanks." He spoke ruffling his hair nervously. "Who's this?" He asked noticing the girl in the wheelchair by Camila's side.

"This is my friend Lauren." Camila introduce the girl giving her an encouraging smile when she noticed how tense she looked.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you Lauren." He extended a hand which Lauren gently took and shook.

"Hi." She spoke shyly. The less words the better.

"You must be pretty special if Camila brought you here." He spoke in a tone Lauren couldn't quite decipher, but Camila could sense an underlying bitterness that she didn't quite understand, but decided to let go. She was probably just over thinking things, again. She honestly didn't trust her own judgement at this moment in time.

"Yeah well, Lauren plays the piano too." Camila revealed excitedly. "And I couldn't stop thinking about how much she would love it here..." Camila trailed off starting to feel a bit embarrassed at how obsessive it may have sounded.

"That's nice. It was nice meeting you, Lauren. I'm going to go and play some..er..nice music." The boy shuffled off awkwardly.

"That was weird." Camila chuckled once the boy was out of ear shot and getting ready to take a seat at his piano.

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