Chapter 3: Upheaval

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His foot touched the ground, the thick, hard ground. Osciris looked around at the surroundings of the rock face him and gemini had just carefully and safely (somehow) stepped down from. Expanding miles upon miles around them were open, flat land, with only green grass on top of brown dirt, instead of trees. Ancient, deep craters littered the ground randomly. At least, that's what he saw from up on top of the cliff, but now that he was down in the circular area, he could barely notice any indents to the ground. He focused onto gemini's face, which had a certain... Aurora to it. He could tell a couple of things from it clearly: happiness, curiosity, glee, all clear. He smiled at her, noticing the hair that flicked itself in front of her face as the wind passed by, laughing to himself as she tried to blow it away with her breath. She eventually gave up and just looped it around her ear with her hand. She then looked at Osciris when she heard chuckling coming from his mouth. She smirked and playfully punched him in the shoulder again, as she had done up on the cliff. Once again he laughs and smiles at her, her playfulness, her funniness, her... Everything really.

He knew he liked her... Alot, but he also knew he'd never admit it. He was too scared to, afraid that she'd just get mad. After all, they were raised AS siblings, but... They weren't really siblings. At least, not related by blood. More than anything else, they were childhood friends and companions. They did everything together, and he guesses that's where his love for her started to grow, into something he'd never suspect. Osciris looked back at her again after thinking to himself, noticing her face had changed, as she stared deep into the distance, smile gone with only a blank smile appearing in its place. He knew this was a very important thing for Gemini, being as it is to discover whatever happened to her real mom. Osciris sighed and grabbed her hand as he looked worryingly at her. "Hey, let's get going, Gem." He says as he smiles reassuringly. She looks at him with a face of surprise, then a calm smile, lips pierced in the semi-sunny area. "Ok O."

A couple of dark figures watched from a cliff above as the two kids began walking off. Two to be exact, a grey hood and a black hood, silver lining the sleeves on both of them. The Grey one smirked as he looked upon them, sharp teeth protruding from it."Tell that Chief he's going to have fresh meat coming, hehe." The grey one said in a dark, overbearing voice. The dark robe nodded, turned, and walked to an orb siting on the ground, and began talking to it. After the dark, silk black robe was done, he turned around. "I have a feeling we'll need reinforcements from the town. I suggest we go get them. The trek will be awhile." The grey hooded robe turned to the dark. "I agree, let's go, hehe." They begin walking off, same as the ones down below.

Gemini knew it was going to take about a while to walk to the middle of the damn clearing, but jeeze, it's felt like an hour had passed. In reality though, it's probably been about 30 minutes. The Sun had started setting in the distance, not yet clearing itself from the horizon, but making the sky glow orange, and pink. It was quite beautiful, with colors she rarely ever sees outside from fruit. The air was cool as she walked, sticking to her skin and giving the monsterous humidity a rest for the night. She smiled at the thought, and looked up to the distance of the ground.

She blinked.

There, in the distance, was a... Building? It was quite big, bigger than any building she's seen in the village with out any trees to support them. She knew there couldn't be any trees out here, so how is it so big? And standing? She really wanted to take a closer look. She then realized something. "Hey, O, did you see that building up on the cliff?" She stopped but kept looking at the building as she let Osciris talk. "... No... I don't think I did... something's not right." He said in a serious tone, with a hint of worry in it. She looked at him with worry. "Should we continue?" She kept staring. The building was grey, with smooth wall. It wasn't made of wood, but what looked like clay, very hard clay. She then noticing something coming out of it, it was big, a horse maybe? It began coming closer, at a sprinting speed. "Get behind me Gemini." Osciris tells her. She does as she's told as he pulls out a sword. They got this sense of danger from the person on top of the horse as he got closer. "Stop right there!" Osciris yelled at the guy.

The guy,clearly now in silver knight armor, without a helmet, was holding a Lance as he began slowing down in front of them. He was big, for sure. He then stopped his horse and got off, and stood straight up in front of them, and looked them in the eyes, and says " by the royal decree of his Magisty, Emperor Lucifer, you are to leave this area or die immediately."

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